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Site map
Please find below a copy of the site map. Please use the links to access the area of interest to you.
- Home
- Ealing Learning Partnership
- ELP board
- ELP committees
- ELP committees action plans
- ELP committee membership
- Race equality in education
- Career development for teachers
- Career development for support staff
- Continuing professional development and training
- ELP innovation hub
- ELP school membership list 2023 - 2026
- Gatekeeping news
- Health improvement in schools
- Health related data
- Healthy schools Ealing points scheme
- Healthy schools London awards
- HIT training resources
- Health improvement resources and support
- Health in school visit pack
- Health newsletters
- Sugar smart schools
- School effectiveness policy
- School governance
- Become a school governor
- DfE governance guides
- Clerk job descriptions and claim form
- Governor information on GIAS
- ELP support for clerks
- Governance news
- Governing board procedures and committees
- Governor roles
- Governor toolkit
- Effective governing board minutes
- Example terms of reference for curriculum committee
- Governing board chair job description
- Governing boards work schedule/annual plans
- School governor role description
- Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
- Vice-chair job description
- Wellbeing and workload guidance for governing boards
- Governor training, development and support
- Contact governance team
- GovernorHub
- School governance privacy notice from October 2022
- Privacy notice
- School improvement and leadership
- Schools partnerships and enrichment
- Services for schools (S4S)
- Teaching and learning
- Facilities
- Buildings and assets
- Catering and food
- Critical incident guide
- Foreward
- Introduction - Dealing with critical incidents
- Who to contact in a critical incident
- Rapid checklist for headteachers
- Crisis management
- Response process
- Dealing with the media
- Educational psychologists
- Loss and bereavement
- Funeral rites across cultures
- After the event
- School trips
- Troublemakers on site trespass
- School safe scheme
- Emergency policy and plan template
- Drugs and medicines
- Ealing Children’s Services schools behaviour code
- Emergency planning
- Bomb threats and security
- Educational and recreational visits
- Heatwaves
- Severe weather
- Further action by school in event of closure decision
- Who makes the decision to close
- Anticipating weather conditions
- Don't forget to enter your school's closures into SIMS
- Reasons to close a school
- Developing a communication process with staff and parents
- Practical guidance during the winter months
- Health and safety
- Accident and incident reporting
- Asbestos
- Automated external defibrillator (AED) for schools
- Codes of practice (COPs) and risk assessment
- First aid
- Health and safety contacts
- Health and safety training
- Health and safety policies and arrangements
- Infectious and contagious diseases and immunisations
- Legionella
- Management of contractors
- Managing medical conditions in schools
- Radiation protection for schools
- School age immunisation programme
- Sypol COSHH risk assessment
- Ventilation
- Working at height
- School organisation principles
- Finance and data
- Commercial hub and corporate contracts
- Data analysis
- Data collection
- Data policies and guidance
- Funding and finance
- Insurance
- Business hub
- School place planning and organisation
- Human resources
- iTrent
- Equality and diversity
- HR contacts
- HR policies and procedures
- Job descriptions and evaluations
- Pay and pensions
- Performance and appraisals
- Recruitment and induction
- Safer recruitment and employee checks
- School vacancies
- Staff benefits
- Staff wellbeing and occupational health
- Standards and qualifications
- Services for children
- SEND and inclusion
- ELP SEN support expectations
- ELP SEND and inclusion network and events
- Ealing’s strategy for additional and SEND and inclusion 2023-2027
- Outreach support and ARP schools
- Primary school SEND and inclusion partnership visits
- SEN and inclusion videos
- SEN bulletin
- SEN provision in the future
- SEND and inclusion key documents
- SEND elective home education (EHE) and education other than at school (EOTAS)
- SEND professional portal
- SEND who's who
- SENDline
- Teachers support for austistic pupils
- Child protection and safeguarding
- Allegations against staff and volunteers (ASV)
- Child protection advisers
- Children in need/ child protection response issues
- Children missing education (CME)
- Children missing education (CME) reasonable enquiry form
- Children missing education (CME) referral flow
- Elective home education (EHE) off-rolling
- In-year applicant - non-coordinated schools only
- Reasonable journey time to and from school
- Reporting September reception class and year 7 non-arrivals
- Statutory leavers and joiners
- When can I remove a pupil from roll?
- Pupils on extended, unauthorised leave abroad guide for SEN schools
- Pupils on extended, unauthorised leave abroad guide for mainstream schools
- School safe scheme
- Admissions
- Alternative educational provision
- Attendance
- Building my future (BMF) programme
- Child and adolescent mental health service (CAMHS)
- Child missing out on education (CMOE)
- Children looked after
- Children's services duty contact numbers
- EHCP and key review dates
- Ealing community partners referral hub
- Ealing primary centre outreach service referrals
- Ealing young carers
- Early help assessment and plan (EHAP)
- Early years
- Welfare and safeguarding
- Transition
- Business and early years' funding
- 30 hours childcare programme
- COVID-19 in early years settings
- Ealing start for life / family hubs discovery and consensus phase 2023-24
- Ealing's Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA)
- Early years webinars
- Expansion of early education entitlements and wrap around provision in primary schools 2023-2025
- National wraparound childcare programme
- Educational psychology
- Exclusions
- Holiday activities and food (HAF) programme
- Mental health
- Organisation charts
- SAFE referrals
- Safeguarding and child protection
- Making a referral (ECIRS)
- ECIRS consultation line
- Types of abuse
- Ealing safeguarding and child protection guidance
- Statutory safeguarding guidance
- Safeguarding specific issues
- Safeguarding: inspection, auditing and leadership
- Safeguarding resources
- Social Workers in Schools (SWIS) programme
- Photography and publicity
- Designated safeguarding leads lightning briefings
- ECIRS and MASH process where timely or satisfactory response not met
- ESCP vulnerabilities screening tool
- School nursing service
- School travel
- Speech and language therapy
- Teenage pregnancy
- Therapeutic Thinking
- SEND and inclusion