Finance and data

School workforce census (SWC)

The school workforce return is a statutory collection required by the DfE, which this year takes place on the first Thursday in November, which in 2024 is Thursday 7 November. You should make this statutory return using the school workforce census part of your MIS and upload it to collect by Friday 8 November 2024.

Changes from previous collection

As ever, dates have been rolled over to align with the collection period.

The more significant changes are:

  • “Sex” data item has replaced the “Gender” data item in the data collection.
  • Guidance on information needed on staff with closed contracts has been strengthened.

Please ensure you read the guidance thoroughly and familiarise with the changes before the collection.

Please ensure you read the guidance thoroughly and familiarise with the new items before the collection.

DFE specifications

See links below for full DfE guidance available on GOV.UK:

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Last updated: 17 May 2024