Human resources

Safer recruitment and employee checks

It is vital that schools adopt recruitment and selection procedures and other human resources management processes that help to deter, reject or identify people who might abuse children, or are otherwise unsuited to work with them.

It is also crucial that everyone working in a school is:

  • Aware of safeguarding issues and the need to adopt ways of working and appropriate practice to help reduce allegations
  • Able to raise concerns about what seems to be poor or unsafe practice by colleagues and that those concerns, and concerns expressed by children, parents or others are listened to and taken seriously.

Choose from the following

Single central record
All schools should have a single central record of recruitment, as recommended by the Department for Education. You should use it to log all safer recruitment checks, including details of children's barred list or DBS checks.

Disclosure and barring service (DBS)
DBS guidance, guidance on volunteer applications and employing ex-offenders. All employees in schools are subject to checks by the DBS.

Declaration form in relation to the application of the Childcare (Disqualification) Regulations 2018 and Childcare Act 2006 in Schools (word)
Form for schools to use to confirm that the check has been carried out (September 2018).

Employer Access (GOV.UK)

Keeping children safe in education (GOV.UK)
Statutory guidance for schools on safeguarding children and safer recruitment.

LA staff visiting schools
Confirmation that Ealing Council social workers and other council employees covered have been subject to an enhanced DBS check.

Allegations against professionals
Model procedure and guidance for schools on allegations of abuse.

Safer recruitment training
Find the safer recruitment training on Ealing CPD online.

Safer working practice (pdf)
Guidance for safer working practice for adults who work with children and young people (October 2015).

Use of reasonable force (GOV.UK)
Guidance about the use of physical restraint in schools for governing bodies, headteachers and school staff.

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Last updated: 28 Feb 2025