Services for children

Early help assessment and plan (EHAP)

The EHAP is a process by which the needs of a child or young person are assessed and an action plan to meet those needs is agreed and progressed.

The aim of the process is the delivery of multi-agency, multi-disciplinary or targeted support as early as possible to tackle an emerging problem/issue before it becomes bigger, harder to address and affects the development or life chances of the child or children in the family.

The EHAP is only used when a multi-agency or targeted approach is necessary. Where one service can address the needs of the child successfully, an EHAP is not required.

For schools and other organisations that employ professionals from different services/sectors e.g. from the NHS, social care, mental health, education, etcetera – engaging the expertise of these professionals to support a child/young person and their family is an example of multi-agency and targeted support even though they may all work for the same school or organisation.

Family information service

The family information service (FIS) is the supporting service for EHAP use.

The FIS give EHAP advice, register EHAPS, and deliver training, supply copies of the EHAP pack which contains all the forms and guidance needed to use the process.

EHAP training

EHAP training aims to support professionals working with families to improve their understanding of the EHAP process in Ealing - offering children, young people and their families a simple route to multi-agency and targeted early help and support.

Online EHAP training dates

Training sessions are free and take place online with MS Teams. Select link for more details and to book a place via Ealing CPD online (Early years section):

  • TBC

EHAP support for schools

SAFE has two EHAP advice and consultancy workers based within the Family Information Service:

Their role supports schools initiating and leading on EHAPs and can also support with the following:

  • Discussing with a school if an EHAP is appropriate
  • Reassurance and support to schools who are unsure about initiating an EHAP or taking on the Lead Professional role
  • Supporting schools with improving relationships with families where there has been a breakdown in relation to early help
  • Supporting schools engaging families in early help
  • Attending team around the family (TAF) meetings
  • Supporting the chair at TAF meetings
  • Attending home visits (agreed at TAF meetings)
  • Supporting schools in accessing services
  • Liaising between ECIRS and schools
  • Case discussion.

Please contact Rachel or Satwant to discuss how they can support your school working with families that may need early help and support.

EHAP support service organisations

Below are a list of internal and external services that may support the family you are currently working with. These services can be integrated within your EHAP, as part of your action plan. If you are unable to find what you are looking for, or are aware of any other services you think should be listed here, please call us on the contact details below.


Family information service
Tel: 020 8825 5588

EHAP support team contacts (pdf)
How to start using EHAP (
EHAP registration process for professionals (pdf)
Interactive EHAP form 2018 (pdf)
Police officers linked to Ealing high schools (pdf)

  • Family information service (FIS), Early years, childcare, childrens centres and SAFE: 8825 5588
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Last updated: 13 Jun 2024