Attendance tasks for schools

Recommended attendance tasks for schools to carry out:


  • Complete AM registers starting with Y5/6 walk to school children
  • First day calling - record reasons for absences and select code in the register
  • Inform the pupil’s social worker if there are any unexplained absences and if their name is to be deleted from the register
  • 1st follow-up text/emails
  • Attach copies of evidence to pupil records
  • Complete registers PM after lunch break
  • 2nd follow-up text/emails

Day 3 of unexplained absence

  • Start reasonable enquiry CME Process
  • Contact link attendance officer for advice.
  • Consider vulnerability of family i.e., SEND, pupil with social worker etc.
  • Keep social worker informed
  • Conduct home visit

All schools should have arrangements in place to undertake their own home visit in line with attendance guidelines - Working together 2024: home visits DfE
Home visits should be conducted as soon as possible after the third day of absence and must be carried out by the tenth day.


  • Follow-up N codes and missing marks within 5 school days
  • Process leavers - Inform us of any leavers before pupils are taken off roll. Schools should use the Gateway portal to do this.
  • Leavers and joiners report
  • Complete attendance tracker
  • Process exceptional leave applications.
  • Identify persistent absentees and severe absentees (<50%). Flag to member of SLT for attendance.
  • Consider referral via Gateway to Ealing attendance service.
  • Meet with senior attendance champion
  • Celebrate attendance. Rewards, certificates, newsletter, assemblies etc.


  • Identify persistent absentees and severe absentees
  • Run group reports: SEN, FSM, LAC and Ealing focus groups as identified as part of SLA. Ealing focus groups 2023-24:
    • Black Caribbean pupils
    • Mixed (White & Black Caribbean) pupils
    • Black Somali pupils and White boys
  • Analyse punctuality
  • Agree actions with dedicated attendance Lead:
    • Letter writing (Under 95%, Under 90%, Lates)
    • Hold parent meetings.
    • Attendance contract
    • EHAP
    • Consider referral via Gateway to Ealing attendance service.
    • Make referrals via Gateway for fixed penalty notices for unauthorised leave.
  • Run official register report
    This can be run is SIMS by following the instructions below: Reports/Attendance/Whole Group Pupil Reports/Official Register Report. (3) The proprietor of a school must ensure that a register kept under paragraph (1) or (2) is kept electronically and that a back-up copy of that register is made at least once a month in the form of an electronic or printed copy. The School Attendance (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2024 (


Each academic year

  • Populate the tracker with benchmark data at the start of the academic year, if relevant
  • Review whole school ethos
  • Review school attendance policy (parent version)
  • Complete SLA with school attendance officer
  • Set targets and inform school community
  • Assign a member of SLT with specific responsibility for attendance
  • Assign a Governor with specific responsibility for attendance
  • Autumn Term - Reception non-arrivals Reporting September reception class and year 7 non-arrivals | Ealing Grid for Learning (

Further guidance

Important reminders

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Last updated: 04 Sep 2024

Services for children