Key finance events by school term
Regular to do list
- Monitoring of budget including forecasting – monthly
- Bank Reconciliation
- School bursarial service (SBS) planner: Update the latest CEA onto the SBS planner to show latest movements within codes
- Update cashflow - monthly
- Update salaries when report is received from GenPayroll
- Review Early Years data and update accordingly, using the Portal
- Review High Needs data and update accordingly, using the Portal
Summer term focus April - August
- Finalise closedown of 2023/24
- Set the budget for 2024/25
- 3-year budget plan-mandatory
- Ensure school development plan costed and included in 3-year plan
- Send approved budget for 24/25 and 3-year plan to Ealing accountancy:
- for schools who use the SBS planner - Tabs 14 and 14a
- other schools to submit the budget return template
- Schools financial value standard (SFVS) submission
- Consistent financial reporting (CFR)
- Term 1 finance return
- Summer SING (schools information networking group) forum
- Review training needs for 24/25 for Staff and Governors and arrange as required
Autumn term focus September - December
- Review of staffing-any changes are updated on schools monitoring systems eg SBS planner
- October census – use bulk eligibility checking to ensure all FSM eligible children flagged
- Review of pupil number forecasts based on known September starters and other data (eg. school places report) -any changes are updated on monitoring systems eg SBS planner
- Update planner once October census figures finalised and review impact on 24/25 funding
- Send budget monitoring document to schools accountancy
- Review and update 3-year plan ensuring all plans, costs and changes are factored in. Once completed, report to governors
- Autumn SING (schools information networking group) forum
- Term 2 finance return
- Review school bursarial service 2025/26 offer
- Review school financial benchmarking and view my financial insights.
Spring term focus January - March
- Present school level analysis of benchmarking and ICFP metrics to governing board
- Review current year 2024/25 figures including forecasting until year end
- Projected year end position
- Review and update 3-year plan ensuring all plans, costs and changes are factored in. Report to governors
- Preparation to start for the new 2025/26 Budget including SLT/Governors
- Review the indicative budget allocations
- If buying into school bursarial service for 2025/26, advise bursarial team and ensure selected on school order form in February
- Spring SING (schools information networking group) forum
- Closing of 2024/25.
Last updated: 25 Feb 2025