Performance tables

The DfE are now sharing performance table data for both Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4 for the 2022/23 academic year. Tables are available here: Compare school performance

Key Stage 2

Key stage 2 data is currently provisional as of September 2023. The proportion of primary school pupils achieving the expected standard or above in Reading, Writing and Maths was 68% in Ealing in 2022/23. This represented no change on 2021/22 and maintained our position as 8 percentage points ahead of national performance.

The average progress score for Ealing pupils was 1.0 in reading, 1.6 in writing and 1.9 in maths. This means that Ealing borough (and therefore the majority of Ealing schools) are significantly above the national average in all progress areas.

Here is the national publication for KS2: Statistics: key stage 2 - GOV.UK

GCSE and equivalent (Key Stage 4)

The average progress 8 score for Ealing pupils in 2022/23 was 0.62 and the average attainment 8 score was 51.9. The proportion of pupils achieving GCSE grades 5 and above (or equivalent qualifications) in English and Maths was 57% in Ealing.

This means that Ealing is above the national average in terms of raw results by 12 percentage points. For the progress 8 measure, Ealing place second in London and top 3 nationally. For progress in Maths, Ealing is the leading local authority in England.

GCSE and equivalent results and headlines are published by the Department for Education. They are provisional at this stage.


Ealing’s KS5 average point score (APS) per academic entry (predominantly A levels) fell in 2023, but this is most likely due to a change in grading methodology following the COVID-impacted years of study. A similar fall occured at the national level.

Ealing’s APS was 36.0 for academic entries, which was 1.7 points ahead of the national equivalent (for state-funded schools and colleges).

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Last updated: 02 May 2024