End of key stage assessment data collections

2023/24 academic year

The Standards Testing Agency (STA) have now released information on dates relating to primary assessment for the 2023/24 academic year Assessment and reporting arrangement guidance has also been made available.

Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA)

The RBA has been statutory in schools since September 2021. Schools must complete the reception baseline assessment for each child in the first six weeks after they enter reception. Here is further information about the RBA

Multiplication tables check (MTC)

The multiplication tables check is statutory for all year 4 pupils registered at state-funded maintained schools, special schools or academies (including free schools) in England. Schools must administer the MTC to all eligible year 4 pupils in the two school weeks starting on Monday 3 June 2024.

Share your CTF results file with us

As you are aware, schools are statutorily required to return their data to the DfE through the MTC service (accessed through DfE sign-in). This process remains unchanged from previous years. However, this year, we ask schools to download the CTF results file (available on the MTC portal after results have been submitted) and send to us using school-to-school (S2S).

This is the only way we can include school-level multiplication check data in the reporting and tracking services we offer to schools. Please submit your CTF results file by Friday 5 July 2024 (although please do return the CTF as early as suits). Please note: Section 10 of the key stage 2 assessment and reporting guidance is dedicated to the multiplications tables check.

Early years foundation stage (EYFS)

EYFS statutory assessment data will be collected as normal in the summer of 2024. The Foundation Stage Profile follows the same structure as the previous two years, with pupils being assessed against 17 early year goals. The Early years foundation stage profile 2024 handbook is now available to download We would advise that all Early Years staff download and read the key information in the handbook as early as possible.

As usual, Ealing LA are responsible for submitting school data onto COLLECT. We will once again be collecting your school’s data, checking for errors (if received in good time), and uploading on your behalf.

To ensure the LA has enough time to support and process your data by the final DfE deadline, we are asking that Ealing schools submit their EYFS CTF file via the School-to-School system (S2S) to the LA by Friday 28 June 2024 (the DfE have set the final deadline for submitting EYFS data as Monday 30 June 2024).

Key Stage 2 (KS2)

KS2 statutory assessments will be collected as normal in the summer 2023, requiring schools to submit data to the Primary Assessment Gateway (not to Ealing LA).

The 2024 key stage 2 assessment and reporting arrangements (ARA) guidancehas now been published by the Standards Testing Agency (STA). We strongly advise reading this guidance, as the LA cannot guarantee to support with and check for issues with submissions made through the Primary Assessment Gateway (PAG). Last year, the PAG became increasingly slow towards the deadline, so we would encourage schools to submit as soon as KS2 teacher assessment data is available.

The DfE have announced the deadline for submitting KS2 data on to the Primary Assessment Gateway as Friday 28 June 2024. Although the LA will do their best to support schools, we expect that it will not be possible to upload or amend any KS2 data after this deadline.

Phonics (Year 1 and Year 2)

Year 1 and Year 2 phonics screening checks will once again take place in summer 2024. The dates for administering the Phonics check are Monday 10 June to Friday 14 June, with a second “timetable variation” week following from Monday 17 June to Friday 21 June for pupils who were absent in week one.

Please note: All Year 2 pupils who have not achieved a pass mark in Phonics (due to either absence or scoring less than 32 in summer 2023) must sit a test. For a reminder of all phonics assessment guidance, please read the 2024 Phonics assessment and reporting arrangements (ARA) published document

Schools will need to return phonics data for all pupils (Year 1 and Year 2) who sit a test, and the Phonics collection has the earliest deadline. To ensure the LA has enough time to support with, check, and process your data, we are asking that Ealing schools submit their Phonics data file via the School-to-School system (S2S) to the LA by Tuesday 25 June.

Key stage 1 teacher assessments

The DfE have announced there will be no statutory Key Stage 1 teacher assessment going forward from summer 2024. There are currently no plans for the LA to collect any KS1 data from schools. Any updates regarding Key Stage 1 assessment will be posted here.

Guidance documents

In addition to the DfE published ARAs, the schools data team will be producing their own guidance documents which will be available to download next year.

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Last updated: 25 Feb 2025