Ealing Learning Partnership


The platform used by Ealing Council for governing board membership data / information is GovernorHub. GovernorHub is a secure password protected web-based platform, where clerks can amend their board membership directly in one place and which Ealing Governor Services can also view. For full details of the data we hold, why and how we use, please see our School Governor Services privacy notice on EGfL.

Are all boards required to use this platform to record membership details?

All Ealing school governing boards are required to use GovernorHub. Governors hold an important public office and as part of the local authority's legal school governance statutory and public task obligations, maintained schools are required to provide governor membership information. This is in addition to submitting governor information on GIAS and the school’s own website.

Academies will also be required to use GovernorHub. Whilst not a statutory obligation for academies to provide all trustee / governor personal details, we do require key contact information in the event of any safeguarding or Schools Causing Concern duties. It also enables Ealing governor services to keep boards up to date with any key national/local governance matters and training.

Update your governing board membership

Clerks will receive a login and password to access GovernorHub. If clerks have not received a login please contact govenors@ealing.gov.uk

Once clerks have registered on GovernorHub, they will be able to see governance information for each school they clerk for on their profile ‘washing line’. They can then set up other members of their board with viewing / editing rights and make changes to the governance membership of a board.

If you have forgotten your password sign into GovernorHub to request password reminder.

YouTube GovernorHub tutorial

A recording of GovernorHub training is available on this link: https://youtu.be/uh2NwhbPFNw?t=1679

How to update a board’s membership is from the 28 minute mark. This recording also includes other features available for boards that have the full GovernorHub functionality.

Ealing Governor Services GovernorHub information page

Governance news and other updates, including training, will be posted in the information sections on our GovernorHub Ealing Governor Services information page. These updates will also be sent via email to specific governor groups e.g. chairs and clerks via these pages using the email address info@governorhub.email . They may appear in your ’junk’ folder so please watch out for them / add them to your safe list.

We continue to support with advice re any membership queries and are the responsible body to authorise any instrument of government (IoG) changes and nomination of LA governors.

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Last updated: 11 Mar 2024