Automated external defibrillator (AED) for schools

In view of the vital role that AEDs can play in saving lives of pupils, school staff and other users of school premises, the Department for Education working with the Department of Health are encouraging all schools to consider these devices as part of their first-aid equipment.

Ealing Council has purchased the Powerheart® G5 AEDs as the London Ambulance Service advised this was the most appropriate unit for schools.

Schools that requested an AED from the council have received the unit in the 2017 autumn term.


Guide to Defibrillator Maintenance and upkeep | St John Ambulance (

AEDs: a guide for maintained schools and academies (GOV.UK website)

Cardiac-Science-Powerheart-G5-AED-user-manual.pdf (

Defibrillator sign and poster (British Heart Foundation)

Defibrillator location poster (St John's Ambulance)

About AEDs

An AED is a portable electronic device that automatically diagnoses and treats life threatening cardiac arrhythmias through the application of electrical therapy, allowing the heart to re-establish an effective rhythm.

Modern AEDs are simple to operate and safe for users.

The AED will analyse the individual’s heart rhythm and apply a shock to restart it, or advise that CPR should be continued.

Voice and/or visual prompts will guide the rescuer through the entire process from when the device is first switched on.

These include positioning and attaching the pads, when to start or restart CPR and whether or not a shock is advised.

Why have an AED

Immediate defibrillation can be the difference between a life lost and a life saved.

  • Around 30,000 people have a cardiac arrest each year outside the confines of a hospital
  • The chance of survival after the heart stops falls by around 10% for every minute that passes without defibrillation
  • It can take the emergency services several minutes (and sometimes longer) to arrive.

Your responsibilities

If your school agreed to accept the unit then you are responsible for maintaining the unit in an operational mode.

Powerheart® G5 has an eight-year manufacturers warranty.

The battery has a four-year full operation warranty and must be replaced when non-operational.

The pads have a two-year shelf life and must be replaced every two years with the used pads being disposed as clinical waste.

There are no annual maintenance costs.

However there are consumables:

  • Pads have to be changed every two years
    • Adult pads - £29.00 + VAT
    • Paediatric pads - £47.50 + VAT
  • Battery: free replacement for four years and will carry on until the battery warning light shows - £165.00 + VAT.
  • Battery can be purchased from the following suppliers:

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Last updated: 22 Apr 2024