Services for children

Mental health

Ealing mental health support team (MHST) in high schools

Each high school will have a named practitioner who will work in the school 1 day a week to provide early evidence-based intervention for children and young people presenting with mild-moderate mental health problems such as anxiety and low mood.

Ealing mental health support (MHST) in primary schools

Clusters of primary schools in Ealing will be allocated a named practitioner who will work across the cluster to provide early evidence-based intervention for children and young people presenting with mild-moderate mental health problems such as anxiety and low mood. This will be equivalent of 1 - 1.5 days of practitioner time per week dependent upon pupil numbers.

Ealing Mental Health Support Team + (MHST+) Learning Disability and Autism Practitioners (LDAPs)

All schools in Ealing with a MHST practitioner can access the MHST+ service. This is a service set up specifically to support those children with a diagnosis of autism or learning disability or who have been accepted on to a waiting list for an assessment.

Schools can refer children to MHST+ who meet the following criteria:

  • Have a diagnosis of autism or learning disability (or children who have been accepted on the waiting list for these diagnostic assessments)
  • Present with mild to moderate anxiety, low mood and/or challenging behaviour
  • Are likely to benefit from CBT for anxiety, VIG intervention for attachment/relational difficulties or a challenging behaviour intervention
  • Specialist ASC/LC practitioners will offer an assessment to suitable referrals and may offer intervention packages where this is appropriate.

Please note: Practitioners will not make referrals for assessment of autism spectrum conditions or learning disability.

View MHST+ LDAPS flyer

Contact with the subject heading: ‘For the attention of MHST+ LDAPs’.


An NHS commissioned digital mental health service that provides free, immediate, online counselling every day until 10pm with no waiting lists. Available to young people aged 11-25.

Circle - Crisis intervention for children and young people

Circle is a hub space and café that offers support for young people in Ealing and Hounslow who are near, or at crisis point with their mental health.

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Last updated: 05 Mar 2025