Services for children

Leavers tasks and referrals checklist

Details of tasks, who it applies to and when does it need to be completed

Off roll confirmation letter to parent for all pupils who are removed from roll

Schools must complete this task as soon as pupil is removed from roll

Refer to Elective Home Education team for pupils being withdrawn to be home educated

Schools must complete this task as soon as parent advises they are withdrawing pupil to be home educated.

Do not remove from roll without their approval. More information can be found at Templates to support off- rolling process for elective home education (EHE)

Contact Social Worker for any pupil who has a social worker

Schools must complete this task as soon as you are aware that the pupil is leaving or as soon as the pupil stops attending if they are an unexpected leaver If you are unsure of who the current Social Worker is call ECIRS on 020 8825 8000

Contact Head of Virtual School for Looked After Children

Schools must complete this task as soon as pupil is being withdrawn/has left.

Do not remove from roll without their approval. More information can be found at Virtual school for looked after children and care leavers

Contact SEN caseworker (EHCCo) for pupils who have an EHCP

Schools must complete this task as soon as pupil is being withdrawn/has left.

SEN schools will need to wait for permission from the EHCCo to remove the pupil from roll. Mainstream schools would remain the pupil’s named provision until a new provision is allocated.

Refer to private fostering team in ECIRS for pupils who will be living in a private fostering arrangement

Schools must complete this task as soon as you become aware that the pupil is/will be living in a private fostering arrangement. More information can be found at Private fostering

Refer to CME for any pupil for whom you are still missing any of the following information ten school days from last attendance

Including those in Nursery:

  • Details of parent pupil will be living with
  • New address (if moving)
  • New school details
  • Confirmation pupil has been admitted to new school
    Children missing education (CME) | Ealing Grid for Learning (

Inform Exclusion team for pupils who have been permanently excluded

Exclusion team must be informed within one school day of the exclusion.

Pupil must not be removed from roll before the Governor’s Review meeting takes place (also sometimes referred to as a PEX hearing or a Governor’s Disciplinary Meeting). More information can be found at Exclusions and suspensions

  • Children missing education, School attendance service: 8825 5517
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Last updated: 16 Sep 2023