Finance and data

SING (schools information networking group) forums

The SING forum is an information networking group run by the bursarial team on a termly basis providing information and updates on a range of topics relating to maintained schools in Ealing.

Who attends SING

The SING gives school support staff, mainly school business managers, finance staff, admin staff etc. the opportunity to network with other colleagues, share ideas, ask questions and receive updates on a variety of subjects from various departments within the local authority.

Departments that are usually represented include:

  • Bursarial support services
  • Early years
  • High Needs / SEN
  • Schools accountancy

Please note, any other departments from across Ealing with important updates for schools are also invited to attend each forum. These departments often include Audit, HR, iTrent/Payroll, Schools Data Team etc.

Attendees are provided with an agenda prior to the SING taking place. During the SING attendees are given the opportunity to ask questions on what has been discussed or on other areas relating to the specific departments.

Bookings and dates

Once the date has been agreed for the SING forum, Bursarial will inform all schools via email. Schools will then have the opportunity to request their place by responding to this email.

SING forum dates (All dates are confirmed closer to the time but typically occur as below):

  • Spring term - February
  • Summer term - July
  • Autumn term - November.

Further information

Currently, the spring and summer term forums take place virtually via Microsoft Teams and the autumn forum takes place in person, at the EEC. We are currently reviewing this so do check the location of the forum prior to requesting your place.

The SING forum is free to school staff who buy into the schools bursarial service. Schools who do not buy into the service, but who wish to attend, will be charged.

Minutes and/or recordings of the meetings are circulated once the SING has taken place.

If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the bursarial team:

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Last updated: 04 Sep 2024