Services for children

Teenage pregnancy

Family life is not always easy. When difficulties and problems come up and you need someone to understand your situation and offer you help and support – get in touch with SAFE (Supportive Action for Families in Ealing)

SAFE can give you information and advice and help you to access the appropriate services and support to help before a manageable problem becomes bigger and more difficult to resolve.

Our team is made up of psychologists, therapists, counsellors, pupil/ school workers, family workers and other experts. We also have links with other support groups and services in Ealing to ensure you are given support within your community and the area where you live.

Below are just a few examples of situations we can help with:

  • If you are worried about your child’s behaviour, or social and emotional wellbeing
  • If you are dealing with a difficult time in your child’s life
  • If your teenager is experimenting with drugs or alcohol
  • If you are worried about teenage pregnancy
  • If you are living with a difficult situation at home
  • If you are struggling to cope with financial or relationship difficulties
  • If you would like advice and parenting support

Self-referrals can be made by telephone on 020 8825 8000 or email

Or in writing to:

Ealing Children's Integrated Response Service
Perceval House
2nd Floor blue area
14-16 Uxbridge Road, Ealing, W5 2HL

If at any time you are concerned about the safety and welfare of either a child within your family or any other child or young person – please contact the Ealing Children’s Integrated Response Service on 020 8825 8000.

Useful websites

Confidential sexual health and wellbeing advice for under 25.

Ealing Family Nurse Partnership
A specially designed programme for women under 20, having their first baby.

Ealing Council connexions service
Provide professional advice and support with many issue including teenage pregnancy.

Early Start Ealing 0-19
Service for families - pregnant mums, expectant dads, parents, babies , children and young people up to the age of 19 ; bringing together workers from children's centres, early years, health and other specialist services.

Family Planning Association - the sexual health charity
Useful information and advice on a wide range of topics for everyone with special sections for young people, parents and professionals.

Learner support helpline - Care to learn (GOV.UK)
Childcare funding for young parents, who want to continue learning.

NHS teenage pregnancy support (NHS website)
Important infomation, advice and support for teenage pregnancy.

Sexual health and contraceptive services
Conception, pregnancy and reproductive choices.

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Last updated: 07 Nov 2024