Services for children

SEND professional portal frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Here are some FAQs about the SEND professional portal. Here is a visual FAQ guide also:

I have downloaded the 2FAS authentication app but it says service list is empty.

Go into the app and select the + sign and select scan QR code. Log in to the SEND professional portal using your username and temporary password, then scan the QR code to gain access.

I have a new phone, how do I set up the security authentication?

Your account will need to be reset so that the QR Code can be scanned. Email to reset your account.

I forgot my password, how can it be reset?

To reset your password on the portal sign in page enter your username, select next and select forgot password. You should receive a token to your email.

The forgot password function will work if you have logged into the SEND Professional Portal within 55 days. If you have not logged in to your account it will need to be reset so contact Please login to the Professional Portal regularly.

What do I do if an error message appears saying Oooops! when I log in?

If you can see this message, go to the Modules drop down on the top left hand side and select Gateway.

How do I preview the ERSA before I submit it?

To preview the ERSA before submitting please go to the record and the Submit ERSA tab, and select run report and from the dropdown use ERSA VNOV22 (Preview). You will be asked to open the PDF.

If any sections have been missed out of the ERSA, you will see text in red stating which section needs updating.

How do I know the ERSA has been submitted?

To submit the ERSA please go to the record and the Submit ERSA tab, run report, select ERSA – NOV 22 from the dropdown then click run report. Go to the Documents tab and scroll to the Documents list section. If you can see the ERSA – School (VNOV22) line with the submitters name on the right, the ERSA has been uploaded. You should receive confirmation of receipt from SENAS within 3 days and if not email

How do add SENCO advice after an ERSA was submitted?

When you log into the portal ensure you are in the correct Profiles tab select Appendix B from the dropdown.

How do I upload a document?

Go to the Documents tab and in Document List select new and type in the name of the document. Fill in the relevant fields and select upload new file. The portal accepts uploads in PDF that are 3mb or less. Select Browse and choose which documents you want to add from your computer, select Open then upload file. Once this is done save your progress by selecting insert.

I get an access denied message when trying to download a document?

Some of the documents are not available, email and they can make the document available.

Where do I add professional contacts?

To add professional contacts, use the Professional Involvement tab.

There are sections in the portal that are not be editable for example the personal details sections. Please email and cc with any changes to a child/young person’s details.

Why does the portal keep logging out?

Due to data protection and sensitive information within the portal, it will log out after 10 minutes of inactivity. When typing directly into the portal, save regularly by selecting the update button to save your work.

Do parent/carers have access to the portal?

During the ERSA process Parent/Carers submit their views through the SENCO who will add these to the ERSA on the SEND Professional Portal. Parent/Carers can opt to use the Parent Portal to access the Education, Health and Care documents if a decision to assessment is agreed by SENAS.

The SENCO should fill in the Contribution and Communication Method tab on the SEND Professional Portal and select Parent Portal from the dropdown.

Do I need to add outcomes?

Only if you want to. When adding outcomes, the Type and Team field must be selected, in doing so SENAS will know which outcomes belong to which teams. If you do not select Type and Team the outcome not appear in the advice. The teams within the drop down have been abbreviated as follows:

  • SLT – Speech and Language Therapy
  • OT – Occupational Therapy
  • Physio – Physiotherapy
  • CDT – Community Paediatrics
  • EP – Educational Psychology
  • CAMHS – Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service
  • CTPLD - Community Team for People with Learning Disabilities
  • Nursing
  • HI – Hearing Impairment
  • VI – Visual Impairment
  • Social Care
  • Schools

The types have also been abbreviated as follows:

  • C&L - Cognition and Learning
  • Comms - Communication Skills
  • SEMH - Social, Emotional and Mental Wellbeing
  • PSI - Physical Sensory and Independence Skills
  • Health
  • Pfap – Preparing for adulthood

Select the dropdown to view the list. Click to the left to find your team. If you cannot see the arrows, either use the mouse to push your screen up OR just simply use the arrow keys on your keyboard (left and right).

Please ensure you select new and not edit, when adding a new outcome which will prevent you saving over another professional’s outcomes. If you do edit another professional’s outcome by mistake, please contact

How do I delete outcomes, duplicate appendices or incorrectly uploaded documents?

Please contact your allocated education health care coordinator and cc who will be able to delete any outcomes or documents.

For help please read the SEND professional portal frequently asked questions (FAQs) If a query is still unresolved, contact Ealing Education ICT via email

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Last updated: 05 Apr 2024