Services for children

SEN support from EPS

The educational psychology services (EPS) have a number of SEN support for schools:

EPS consultation line

The consultation line provides an opportunity for SENCos to have an in-depth discussion with an educational psychologist about an individual child or groups of children and young people at SEN support. There is no additional cost to school for this service.

The consultation line is to run fortnightly from 9:30-12:30pm for 45 minutes on the following dates:

  • Monday 6 November
  • Monday 20 November
  • Monday 4 December
  • Monday 18 December

How can schools request a consultation session?

Please contact Philippa Le Roux, Senior Educational Psychologist to book a consultation session.

NB. Please use children’s initials only, to ensure confidentiality when discussing specific children.

Centralised intervention programmes

These are a range of programmes and interventions to support children and young people with additional needs. The emphasis will be on early intervention and the programmes, drawing from a strong evidence base are designed to support social skills development, emotional wellbeing, in addition to aspects of cognition and learning. These include:

Social skills

  • Cool Connections age range 9 to 14 years
  • Friends Resilience age range 3+ to adulthood
  • Homunculi Approach 7+
  • PALS social skills programme age range 3-6 years
  • TalkAbout age range 4+ years
  • Think Good Feel-Good age range 3+ to adulthood.

Literacy based interventions

  • Warwickshire and Staffordshire Literacy Intervention
  • Paired reading

Note: Further literacy interventions and interventions to support maths will be included shortly.

How can schools request an intervention programme?

Please discuss with your link EP and or Assistant EP for further information.

Elevated SEN Support (ESS)

Elevated SEN Support (ESS) is an enhanced support offer from the EPS to schools. Following EP assessment, Assistant EPs (AsEPs) can offer targeted support to meet the identified needs of children and young people.

This means that, where we make our recommendations following assessment at SEN support stage, the AsEP can be made available to help the school implement these recommendations. The assistant EP will work with the SENDCo, class teacher and teaching assistant and support the school to apply the Assess, Plan, Do Review (APDR) graduated response. The school will not be charged for this time.

How can schools request ESS?

Your school SENDCo can request this from their link EP, who will communicate the request via email to the AsEP team, subject line: ESS request.

Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSA)

We continue to run an annual ELSA course, which supports identified members of school staff to plan and deliver individual and small group programmes in school, to help support children and young people to better recognise, understand and manage their emotional responses.

We will achieve this through the development of greater emotional awareness, improved self-esteem, and emotional regulation. Since 2021 near 30 Ealing primary and secondary schools have participated.

The course runs annually for 6 days with half termly group supervision. A cost is charged to schools.

How can schools request a place on the ELSA course?

Please contact Philippa Le Roux, Senior Educational Psychologist for further information.

  • Educational psychology service administrator, Educational psychology service: 8825 5050
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Last updated: 21 Jan 2025