Human resources

Ealing school staff wellbeing charter

The Ealing school staff wellbeing charter is now available for Ealing Learning Partnership schools to download. Select document title to download and view documents:

  1. Ealing school staff wellbeing charter commitments and ideas
  2. Ealing school staff wellbeing charter egs of good practice
  3. Ealing school staff wellbeing helplines
  4. Ealing school staff wellbeing charter RAG poster in A3 size or A4 size

There is no requirement for schools to have met any or all of the commitments; the goal is continual improvement and learning.

How was it developed?

The school staff charter was developed by and for Ealing staff by a task and finish group of nine primary and two high school representatives, to be a practical, interactive, and accessible tool for improving staff wellbeing. The charter sets out eight commitments for school leads and staff to work towards collectively, and provides guidance and tips for each.

The group used a number of charters including the DfE education staff wellbeing charter to inform the Ealing staff wellbeing charter. They also consulted with representative school leaders via the ELP recruitment and retention committee and trade unions via the trade union forum. Both groups have endorsed the documents.

How to start using the charter?

  • Download the charter resources and complete the RAG rating for your school. You can stick up the poster in staff areas to show your commitment to improving staff wellbeing
  • Please also display the helplines in your staff areas
  • Use the examples of good practice and helpline details to develop an action plan for improving staff wellbeing based on your RAG rating. Promote using the A3 size or A4 size poster
  • Plan how you will introduce and monitor on an ongoing basis in your school.

Further information

For further information on staff wellbeing visit Wellbeing and mental health support for return to school or contact the Health improvement in schools

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Last updated: 12 Dec 2024