Services for children

Interventions and approaches

In this section the SENCo will find ideas, approaches and strategies to use when quality first teaching needs to be supplemented with something more to remove a barrier to learning or to ensure that progress towards agreed targets can be made by the child or young person.

The section begins by setting out, in detail the process of assess, plan, do review and goes on to organise information under the four broad areas of need.

Education health care plan (ECHP)

An EHCP is a legal document that brings together the pupil’s education, health and social care needs, and provisions required into one plan. EHCP were introduced in 2014 and replaced statements of special educational need.

Most children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) will have their needs met through SEN support. For a small majority of children and young people with significant difficulties who may still not make expected progress, despite the provisions due to the complexity of their needs. These pupils may benefit from an EHCP. In this case the school in consultation with the pupil’s parents/carers, as well as external agencies may apply for a statutory assessment of special educational needs.

In Ealing, the decision-making guidance (available early March 2019) will help to determine whether an EHCP is the right way forward. Evidence can be gathered from the assess, plan, do, review cycle (s) to assist with the statutory process.

Assess, plan, do, review cycle

SEND provision should arise from a four-part cycle, known as the graduated approach, through which earlier decisions and actions are revisited, refined and revised, leading to a growing understanding of the pupil’s needs and of what supports the pupil in making good progress and securing good outcomes. The graduated approach of assess, plan, do review should be used to remove barriers to learning and put effective provision in place. The four stages of the cycle are:

Assess, Plan, Do, Review

The graduated approach starts at whole-school level. Teachers are continually assessing, planning, implementing and reviewing their approach to teaching all children. However, where a potential special educational need has been identified, this cyclical process becomes increasingly personalized.


  • Carry out observations, hold discussions with key staff and parents/ carers to identify and analyse needs. Note strengths and areas for development.
  • Assessments from outside agencies (Health, Educational Psychology, Social Services) may be required with parent/ carer consent.
  • Identification of pupil and why they have been identified (why did the met the criteria) DB suggestion
  • Hold discussions and meetings with the family, colleagues or any specialists who are involved to plan the support to be put in place.
  • Make your plan 'outcome focused' - what do you all want the child to improve, develop or achieve? The plan should involve the child and parents at the centre.


  • Identify the interventions and support required and the expected impact on progress, development and behaviour.
  • Set out what the high-quality class/subject teaching will look like
  • Set out any targeted provision
  • Ensure that planning is undertaken by all involved in working with the pupil
  • Explain why this provision is appropriate
  • Document in a clear and simple format
  • Set a clear date for review
  • Implementing the support plan will mean delivering high-quality teaching to the student in every lesson.
  • Implementing any adjustments, specific strategies or approaches to classroom teaching that have been identified in the SEN Passport.
  • Managing any teaching assistants who support students with SEN in lessons.
  • Implementing any targeted interventions or specialist provision where this requires the involvement of the teacher.
  • Continually assessing and monitoring the student’s progress and making any necessary adjustments to planning and teaching as a result.
  • Communicating regularly with the student their parents, the SENCO and any other staff involved to establish how things are going and whether any changes are required.


Teachers gain a growing understanding of effective support. Staff, including the SENCo plan and assess the impact of targeted interventions. In practice, implementing the support plan will mean:

  • Delivering high-quality teaching to the student in every lesson.
  • Implementing any adjustments, specific strategies or approaches to classroom teaching Managing any teaching assistants who are supporting students with SEN.
  • Implementing targeted interventions or specialist provision
  • Continually assess and monitor progress and making any necessary adjustments to planning and teaching.
  • Communicate regularly with parents/ carers other staff


  • Discuss the effectiveness of the support with others involved in line with the review date.
  • Check back against observations and planned outcomes.


  • What progress has the pupil made?
  • What impact has the support/intervention had on progress?
  • What does the pupil think? What are the views of parents/carers/ professionals
  • what changes need to be made to targets or provision next term?

Descriptors of SEN support provision in the four broad areas of SEND (pdf)

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Last updated: 30 Aug 2023