iTrent is unavailable today, 28 February 2025
iTrent is a secure web-based system that enables school staff to view and update some of their personal and payroll details. It can be accessed from a computer, laptop, mobile phone or tablet.
All staff have access to iTrent employee self service
Managers also have access to iTrent people manager
Self service enables you to:
- View/amend personal details
- View/add absence details eg holiday requests
- View and print your current and historical payslips
- View and print your P60
- View/amend your bank details
- View your current employment details
- View/and submit expense and mileage claims
In addition, managers can:
- handle staff changes e.g. hours, pay and allowances
- record absences
- attach documents to employee records
How to log on to itrent
You will need your employee number, which you can find on your contract of employment. If you don’t have that yet, the school iTrent administrator will be able to look it up for you.
- select the iTrent employee self-service link above
- your username is your seven-digit employee number
- the default password is Lbeddmmyy where ddmmyy is your date of birth e.g. if your date of birth is 1 March 1970, your password will be Lbe010370
- you will be prompted to set a new password of at least eight characters, containing at least one capital letter and one number
- your password will expire every 60 days (two months) and you will be prompted to change it as above
- you will be locked out of the system after four invalid login attempts. If this happens you will need to contact the iTrent Support Team for assistance
Tip: Once you are logged, in you should set up a security question (‘memorable information’) so that you can reset your password if you forget it (refer to the self-service user guide).
iTrent resources
Documentation for all school staff and managers:
iTrent electric people manager user guide for schools (pdf) Updated May 2020
School expenses and submission - managers guide (pdf)
Employee expenses - employee guide (pdf)
iTrent video tutorials
Video guides for school staff and managers:
- Enter temporary element through fast input
- Change in hours process
- Change in salary process - coming soon
- Enter a TLR payment or other contractual payment
- Management information (reports)
- How to enter absences eg sickness and unpaid leave - coming soon
Contact us
HR iTrent support team contact details:
Tel: 020 8825 9000, then choose option 3, option 4
Address: Perceval House, 14-16 Uxbridge Road, Ealing, W5 2HL London