Services for children

Building my future (BMF) learning library

Ealing build my future logoAlthough there is always some sadness when a project comes to an end, there are also forward looking aspects which will build on our learning to positively influence change across the wider services, which will be the ongoing legacy of the Building My Future ( BMF) programme.

Here is the BMF learning library:

BMF practice handbook

The BMF practice handbook is intended for professionals working with children and young people with additional needs. It is written as a practical guide for those who are curious about the approach or interested in integrating elements from the BMF approach into existing systems.

BMF practice bulletins

Co-production - The importance of co-production with parents/carers and young people, in the development of the BMF model.

Goal setting - The use of goals in BMF practice.

Professional reflection and recommendations on the BMF model and implications for future practice.

Anti-racism - The BMF team journey in our commitment to continue to learn about and implement strategies to dismantle racism.

BMF videos

Introduction to the BMF programme

Hidden Disabilities

A video devised and produced by young people and the BMF youth workers

Life skills club

BMF podcasts

Episode 1 mp4 - 45 minutes

Ealing parent/carers discuss their experiences within the system, relationships and different ways to collaborate, with the child at the centre of the process.

Episode 2 mp4 - 48 minutes

Ealing parent/carers discuss the intersection of SEND and racism, it’s impact and exploring ways we can address these issues, both strategically and operationally.

Episode 3 mp4 - 36 minutes

BMF team reflect on the collective journey and recommendations to other teams regarding anti-racism discussions and practice.

External evaluation of BMF

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Last updated: 31 Aug 2023