Human resources

Job evaluation

Schools' job evaluation submission form guidelines
Schools' job evaluation submission form (word)

The evaluation process

The job evaluation process is the process of reviewing the range of activities, skills and responsibilities that form part of a job in order to ensure that the job is graded appropriately.

As grade influences pay, this also ensures that individuals are paid appropriately.

Job descriptions with changes

If schools use generic job descriptions with amendments, they will need to go through the job evaluation process.

You should then submit the amended/new job description and the above job evaluation submission form to the schools HR consultancy team.

This is also the case where you have an alternative job description or where the employee has requested a review or update of an existing job description.

Job descriptions - no changes

If schools use generic job descriptions in their entirety they should still notify the schools HR consultancy team of which job description has been adopted for which post.

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Last updated: 17 Jan 2025