Services for children

Transfer leaver's files and get receipts

What leaver's file types to transfer, when to do it and receipts

Common transfer form (CTF)

As soon as pupil’s new school is confirmed, or they are referred to CME send to new school via School to School (S2S). If new school do not have access to S2S or pupil has been removed from roll without a destination school their CTF should be sent to the ‘Lost Pupil Database’. No receipt is needed as common transfer form (CTF) files are visible on S2S.

General/ Educational record

As soon as pupil’s new school is confirmed send to new school where possible. Archive securely if pupil has moved abroad or destination school is unknown. Physical files must either be taken to the new school in person or sent them via a secure, signed for delivery service. A general file receipt is needed.

SEND files

Send to new school (where possible – may not be possible for pupils who have moved abroad but effort should be made to do so) securely and confidentially. Send as soon as pupil’s new school is confirmed. SEND files should be sent separately to other files and addressed to the relevant person SENCo as private and confidential. A SEN file receipt is needed.

Safeguarding/ CP files

Send separate to other files, addressed to the designated safeguarding lead as private and confidential. Send within five days of pupil’s new school being confirmed. This may not be possible for pupils who have moved abroad but every effort should be made to do so securely and confidentially. Archive securely if pupil has moved abroad or destination school is unknown.

Files sent digitally must either be sent via a secure method such as Egress or encrypted email or by secure transfer on a concerns management system such as CPOMS or MyConcern. A safeguarding / child protection file receipt is needed.

  • Children missing education, School attendance service: 8825 5517
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Last updated: 16 Sep 2023