Governor information on Get information about schools (GIAS)
From 18 September 2017 Edubase is replaced with Get information about schools (link is external) (GIAS).
GIAS can be used to find and compare the performance of schools as well as the type, status and phase of each school or centre and information about governors, trustees and headteachers
Schools, local authorities and academy trusts should update their details as soon as possible by signing in to their Secure Access account on GIAS (link is external) (GOV.UK)
Update your governor details
From 1 September 2016 it has been a statutory obligation for all schools to register the details of all their governors on Edubase now GIAS (link is external).
It is the governing board's (GB) responsibility to ensure this is complied with, although actual inputing will be usually delegated to a school’s admin team or clerk as appropriate.
The information disclosed needs to include:
- Name
- Appointment date
- Appointing body
- Whether they are chair or a member of the GB (maintained schools) and
- Whether they are a trust member, a trustee, the chair of trustees or a governor on a local GB (for academies).
The above information will be fully accessible to the public.
Information that also needs to be supplied, but will not be made available to the public will include each governors:
- Postcode
- Date of birth
- Any previous names
- Their nationality and
- The chair's e mail address.
Multi academy trusts must also provide details of their local GB members.