Services for children

SEN bulletin September 2024

Message from Madhu

Welcome to a New School Year! I hope you all had a fantastic summer break and that the new term is off to a smooth start.

Exciting news - Did you know that 82% of SENCOs are now part of the Senior Leadership Team? That's a 22% increase since 2022, highlighting how much Ealing schools value strong leadership in SEND and Inclusion. This positive shift reflects the growing recognition of the crucial role SENCOs play in shaping inclusive learning environments.

At Ealing Learning Partnership, we're committed to supporting you throughout the year with a variety of CPD opportunities, networks, and tailored advice and guidance. Be sure to join us for the first SENCO network meeting of the year next Wednesday, 25th September at 1pm. It will be an in-person event at the EEC, where many of our professional partners will be present to introduce themselves and share their plans for 2024/25.

We look forward to seeing you there! Don’t forget to sign up via Ealing CPD Online

Level 3 SEND teaching assistant apprenticeship pilot

The ELP pilot scheme aims to recruit 12 participants to work in SEND TA roles in schools. Headteachers and senior leaders are invited to join the online briefing 24 September 2 - 2.45pm to find out more.

ELP Board has agreed to support an apprenticeship pilot as part of our recruitment to the SEND workforce campaign. We will be working in partnership with the council’s Employment, Enterprise, and Apprenticeships team to carry out an 18-month pilot to establish an apprenticeship in schools pathway. To begin this pilot, we are looking for 12 participants. These participants will already be employees of the school and ready to step up into the TA role. The course will begin in January 2025.

Find out more about the Level 3 SEND teaching assistant apprenticeship pilot

Just one aspect offer for EYFS

Three distinct offers for schools seeking support for SEND in EYFS. Email the specialist SEND advisory Teachers if your school could benefit or you want to learn more:

  1. Intensive Programme – approx. 10 school places (over 2-3 terms)
  2. A Provision and Practice Development Cycle – (over one term)
  3. Training sessions (over session only)

Teaching assistant network

A mainstream TA network is starting this year, facilitated by Dawn Clegg from Springhallow Outreach. We do hope your mainstream TAs will sign up for some support and training designed especially for them. The first meeting is 9-11 on October 3rd 2024. Sign up here: TA Network | Ealing CPD Online

Readiness for learning with Castlebar Outreach

A 6 week programme at Castlebar school on Tuesday mornings, Starting Tuesday 5 November. The goal is to raise confidence and resilience of TAs and teachers to support their work with pupils with complex needs. Find out more about Readiness for learning with Castlebar Outreach

News from Ealing SEND Teams

Key dates and deadlines for education, health and care needs assessment, plans and review

Key dates: ELP SEN and inclusion key dates | Ealing Grid for Learning (

Who is my EHCCo?

Find your EHCCO, families can access this information also: Ealing Families Directory | Find out who your Education, Health and Care Co-ordinator (EHCCo) is

Special Educational Needs Inclusion Funding (SENIF)

SENIF applications, for early years inclusion funding, are moving to gateway. For now it is still on paper, but the team hope to go live by the end of September. The next SENIF panel is 14 October. Here is more information on SEND and inclusion - early years

Selection of training to book this month

Ealing SENCO induction programme 24 September – for new and interim SENCOs – 3 sessions though the year.

SENCO network 25 September

New Pastoral Network/Family Support Network Workshop Thursday 26 September 2024, 10am-12pm at the Ealing Education Centre. We are creating a new network for school staff to enable a better flow of information on services across Ealing and provide training. Our network will: be guided by the needs of schools; be led jointly by schools and Ealing Learning Partnership with input from wider LA Services and create a stronger link between key council services and schools – for example the cost of living team. To register your schools interest, email Libby Giarraputo at

Other Training providers

Signposts for parents

Ealing mental health autumn workshops

Over the Autumn term, Ealing mental health support team will be running a variety of workshops for parents and carers of children who attend a school in Ealing. View flyer: Ealing mental health support for parents Sept 2024 newsletter.pdf

Need advice about support for your child at school? Join us for an introduction to SEN support and Education, Health & Care Plans. Plus a parallel workshop for parents of children struggling to attend school / emotion-based school avoidance with the Ealing Learning Partnership. Friday 20 September, 10.30am - 12.30pm at Hanwell Community Centre, Westcott Crescent, W7 1PD. Book now: Contact Ealing workshop and Focus Group on SEN support in schools and EBSA 20.9.24 (

If you need to speak to someone in another language let us know: Book to request a call from Contact Ealing in your language (

Toilet Training info from ERIC, the children’s bowel and bladder charity Share flyer with families where child is struggling with toilet training, withholding, constipation and soiling, daytime bladder problems or bedwetting? Charity has over 30 years' experience of providing information and support for families dealing with wee and poo problems.

Potty training: how to start & best age to potty train - ERIC

Walk and talk for parents and carers in Gunnersbury Park Share flyer with families. Do you care for a child with additional needs or SEND? Join us for a gentle walk around Gunnersbury Park in the company of other parents and carers. A chance to catch up with other parents as well as Contact Ealing team members to share joy or frustrations and maybe even get a few tips. Meet other parents, enjoy gentle exercise, get support and share tips and ideas on 18 September, 10.30 am, meet at the Popes Lane entrance car park. To join us please register your interest


Summer born children with SEN - should schools agree to deferral requests? Guidance on handling admission requests for summer born children - GOV.UK (

Resources for transition

EYFS Effective Transitions (

Receiving SEN Records/Sending SEN Records on to a new setting GDPR rules require all SEN records, digital and paper, to be sent to the next setting, or if you are the last setting, kept until the pupil is 35. Your school business manager or bursar should have been informed via the SING and can hopefully you can support each other with this task.

Inclusive PE

Is your PE and school sport inclusive? Only 25% of children with disabilities say they always take part in sport and activity. You PE lead may be interested in this new self-assessment resource: Inclusion 2024 Inclusive PE hub (


Who do contact in Ealing re SEMH – see EALING / SEMH / LEADERS (

Relational Learning

Shared by Denise Feasey from Mandeville Special school: The approach and key principles - Support for schools and settings (

Ending gender-based violence/Preparing for healthy relationships

This free resource, developed with MOPAC for schools, also has free training, including a SEN focussed one that may help RSE leaders ensure that this part of RSE is accessible to SEN pupils in their school.


NASEN’s latest events and training include a new cohort of recognised teachers of SEND, a preparing for Adulthood professional development group, and specialist spotlights on metal health in primary, understanding anxiety and promoting independence, all free. Events listing | Nasen

Speech and language therapy

Speech and language therapy awareness month 30 September – 25 October. Following the success of last year's speech and language therapy awareness month, we've decided to do it again!

The Ealing SLT team are working together with local community providers to put on a range of events, workshops and activities that Ealing families can access and to raise awareness.

Check out our programme for all the information. Help us spread the word about the importance of speech and language therapy.

Top Tip

EYFS pupils and toilet training

It can be difficult to support children still in nappies – however providing intimate care counts as a reasonable adjustment for pupils who are not toilet trained, not able to use a toilet independently, or need other help with intimate tasks. This is because failing to do so would infringe upon those pupils’ rights to access education due to a disability, under the Equality Act 2010.

You can see an example of this on page 20 of the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s guidance on reasonable adjustments for disabled pupils.

Not changing a pupil might mean an uncomfortable delay for the child and can lead to difficulties such as a child hiding wet or dirty pants. Work together with parents to develop the 40 skills needed to successfully use the loo!


Did you win a Sensible SENCO planner at this years conference back in March? Let Sam know to claim it

Castlebar - Readiness for Learning 24/25 termly offer

Focus: To support readiness for learning using specific tools e.g. visuals/motivators effectively. 6-week programme across half term. Tuesday 5 November - Tuesday 10 December 2024. Class teacher or TA to attend Castlebar 8.45 am – 12noon each Tuesday. Desired outcome: To raise confidence and resilience of TAs/Teachers to support their work in school, with complex needs. To upskill teachers in preparing pupils/leading staff in approaches that promote readiness for learning.

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Last updated: 29 Jan 2025