Headteacher standards
The professional standards of excellence for headteachers (GOV.UK website) are to help improve the practice and development of:
- Headteachers
- Governing boards
- Aspiring headteachers
The standards, created by the profession, for the profession, are designed to empower and inspire heads, drive aspiration, promote excellence and reflect the greater decision-making powers heads now enjoy.
The ‘standards of excellence’ set out the skills, knowledge and behaviour headteachers should aspire to, including:
- Raising the bar for all pupils, overcoming disadvantage and instilling a strong sense of accountability in staff for the impact of their work on pupils’ success
- Boosting teacher quality through high-level training and sustained professional development
- Identifying talent and coaching current and aspiring leaders of the future.
- Corinne Gill, Secondary education: GillCo@ealing.gov.uk
- Clare Rees, Primary education: ReesC@ealing.gov.uk
- Therese McNulty, School workforce and governance development: tmcnulty@ealing.gov.uk020 8825 8542
- Alison Bennett, School workforce and governance development: abennett@ealing.gov.uk020 8825 6689/ 07545 412205
Last updated: 24 Feb 2025