Services for children

Useful school travel links

Below are links to websites which you may find useful when developing and implementing your school travel plan. All the links open in new windows/websites.

Road safety week website for educators
Road safety week takes place in November. You can order free resources such as posters and lessons plans. These resources are for teachers of early years, primary and high school children.

Department for Transport Think! Education resources
Free Think campaign resources with lesson ideas and curriculum links for early years and primary pupils

RoSPA website
Free lesson plans and assembly notes from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.

TfL journey planner
Helps you plan your route around London – includes walking and cycling only options.

STARS school travel plan accreditation
Information and guidance on the three levels of STARS accreditation and how to get your school travel plan (STP) approved.

Healthy Schools London
Details about Healthy Schools initiatives. There are many ways that STPs can link to healthy school programmes - in Ealing you need to have an STP to gain Healthy Schools accreditation.

Walk to School
Website to encourage walking to school. Includes information about WoW incentive scheme and walk to school weeks.

International walk to school week
Lots of information, ideas and links about the international walk to school week.

Living streets
The UK charity for walking and organisers of walk to school week

Ealing bus route maps
Provides maps of the bus routes in Ealing.

Department for Transport
Local transport information.

Department for Education
Information about schools and STPs.

Eco Schools
A programme to integrate environmentally sustainable principles and practices into school life. STPs are an important part of becoming an eco school.

Sustainability and Environment Education (SEED)
A registered charity that identifies, promotes, enables and supports environmental education and education for sustainable development in the UK.

Sustrans cycling charity
UK Cycling charity and custodian of the National Cycle Network
Resources and advice about active and sustainable travel.

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Last updated: 04 Sep 2024