Ealing Learning Partnership

Ealing services for schools general terms and conditions

Ealing services for schools are supported by our general terms. Additional and specific terms and conditions for individual services can be found in the service pages for those services.

Availability of the service

You will find this information on the individual service pages.


Where schools sign up for a one year service there may be no right of cancellation within that year. For other arrangements, schools are required to give a minimum of one school term’s notice if they no longer want to receive a buyback service that they have signed up for. Where it is possible to cancel within the year agreed, as an example, if a service is no longer required from April, notice must be given to the service provider in writing by the end of the previous autumn term (December), otherwise it will automatically continue to the end of August.

Administration charges may be applied for cancellation mid-year and deducted from any pro-rata refund where it is applicable.

Some individual services have no right to cancellation as they match specific council contracts and schools will have had to commit to those for the period of the contract. Also see terms relating to specific services.

Complaints and disputes

If a school is dissatisfied with the service provided, the school should initially liaise with the nominated service contact. Contact details are on the relevant service web page.

If the outcome of the initial investigation is unsatisfactory or a dispute arises, schools can escalate concerns to the service manager. If concerns are still not addressed then progress them to the assistant director/director of the service, then to the director/executive director. If the outcome is unsatisfactory the school can refer their concerns to the council’s chief executive.

Disclosure & barring service checks

All council staff that work with schools and young and vulnerable people have been subjected to an enhanced check. If a check is pending, a risk assessment will be completed by the service head.

Identity badges

When visiting schools’ council staff will carry a photo identity badge.

Payment of invoices

Payment is required within 30 calendar days of issue of the invoice.

Quality assurance

We provide a high quality, timely and cost effective service to schools and meet the standards of customer care described in service details. Quality is monitored by feedback sought from schools through regular contact with headteachers and service users, through headteacher consultative and network groups and service self-evaluation.

Any perceived failure in the service should be drawn to the attention of the service provider who will carry out an investigation and offer an explanation and ensure prompt remedial action is taken where appropriate.

Email and correspondence

Emails will be acknowledged within 24 hours, Monday to Friday. We will respond within five working days; complex enquiries within 10 working days. If we need more time we will let you know and keep you posted. Also refer to individual service detail for specific quality standards.

School commitment

To enable the service to be efficient, effective and responsive, the school undertakes to provide required information in a timely manner and comply with any deadline set by the service provider.

Academies and schools other than Ealing maintained schools

There may be separate service agreements and contracts applicable to academies for certain services. See specific service details.


Where service prices are based on staff headcount this is based on iTrent data from the January census.

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Last updated: 10 Jan 2023