Services for children

Pupils uncollected at the end of the school day

If the school has not been contacted by the parent/carer to make an arrangement about a delay then school should ring the emergency number held for the family and if that does not allow an arrangement to be agreed then the child should be taken to the nearest police station. A message to this effect should be left at the parent's home.

It is for school staff to decide how long someone can wait with the child before going to the police station. In individual cases this will involve finding a balance between the distress to the child and the ability /willingness of staff to remain at school.

Repeated "uncollected" episodes may indicate neglect and the case should be referred to social care. Before that the family may be written to by school and/or invited into school to discuss the problem and possible solutions such as after school clubs or help with any family crisis.

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Last updated: 18 Oct 2021