Safeguarding training for schools overview 2025/26

This service is available for Academies, Maintained schools and Other schools and settings


Ealing supports schools with meeting their safeguarding and child protection responsibilities by:

  • Providing guidance and advice
  • Offering training
  • Hosting and promoting training offered by independent providers
  • Providing a once a term DSL network
  • Signposting schools to providers of whole school safeguarding training and reviews
Academic year 2025/26

Ealing offers a range of school safeguarding training relevant to the local context.

Office hours:

Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

Service directors:

Julie Lewis

More detailed information:

Statutory training requirements are detailed in the DfE guidance document Keeping children safe in schools and colleges.

In brief the guidance says that:

  • Whole school staff training is required to be an on-going process with at least one formal training every year (at least every two years to be delivered by external providers)
  • Designated lead teachers for child protection are required to have initial training and refresher training at least every two years
  • Designated lead teachers are required additionally to have regular updates ie safeguarding prevention briefings etcetera
  • All staff appointment panels must have at least one member who has successfully attended the DfE approved safer recruitment course.

There is no longer a requirement to train governing bodies. However, training does support the governing body to meet its statutory duties in the guidance.

Below is a list of useful documents and links in relation to training and events:

*login required


Training is provided by various contacts (see attachments under more detailed information).

Additional contact information 

Ealing safeguarding children board (ESCB) training

Ealing Education Centre
Tel: 020 8578 6154

Further details:

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Last updated: 17 Feb 2025