Services for children

Welfare and safeguarding - early years

Ealing early years welfare and safeguarding audit for group based settings (doc) Updated April 2024

Ealing early years welfare and safeguarding audit for childminders (doc) Updated April 2024

Ealing's Yellow Book - Ealing’s safeguarding guidance for voluntary, community, faith and private sector organisation (pdf)

Working together to safeguard children (GOV.UK)

What to do if you are worried a child is being abused (GOV.UK)

Information sharing: Advice for practitioners providing safeguarding services to children, young people, parents and carers (GOV.UK)

Prevent duty guidance (GOV.UK)

Department for Education: statutory guidance for schools on safeguarding children and safer recruitment in education (GOV.UK) Safeguarding details for schools, including nursery schools.

Inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills (GOV.UK)
This guidance (updated August 2016) exemplifies good practice in safeguarding, in addition to the statutory requirements of the EYFS.

Paediatric first aid training

It is a statutory requirement to renew paediatric first aid training every three years.

Chapter 23 (p.78) of the Ealing Safeguarding Children Guidance states that all staff and volunteers should receive initial basic safeguarding training (level 1) when they are first appointed and having undertaken the basic awareness course, staff and volunteers should undertake refresher courses every 2 years .This guidance applies to all providers and childminders

Ensure at least one person from your setting has received training in EHAP.

Monitor the dates of your own/your teams training and plan ahead to make sure essential training is booked and renewed within the required timescales. An annual training plan can help you achieve this. All training and briefing session information on Ealing CPD online.


Routine immunisation schedule
Complete routine immunisation schedule - publications (GOV.UK) share with the families at your setting.

Health protection guidance (GOV.UK)
Guidance for schools and childcare settings on prevention and control, immunisation, hygiene and staff health.

Guidance about the importance of risk assessment for activities involving food can be found in a manager’s guide to paediatric first aid training (National Day Nurseries Association’s website).

Paediatric first aid

Paediatric first aid requirements in the statutory framework for the early years foundation stage: government response (pdf)
Following a review of the consultation results regarding paediatric first aid requirements set out in the EYFS, the government will proceed with requirements for additional staff to be trained.

DfE responses to questions regarding paediatric first aid requirements
(The National Day Nurseries Association website)

Medicines in early years settings

DfE Clarification on medicines in early years settings (foundation years website)
DfE have provided clarification on the meaning of prescribed medicines in paragraph 3.45 of the EYFS.

Safely managing children with allergies in early years settings and schools (pdf)

Food and drink

Public Health England food and drink guidance (GOV.UK)
Example menus and useful guidance for early years settings to help meet the early years foundation stage welfare requirement to provide 'healthy, balanced and nutritious' meals, snack and drinks for children.

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Last updated: 04 Sep 2024