Services for children

SEN bulletin September

Don't forget to book yourself onto the next Primary SENCos network Wednesday 27 September 2-4pm at the EEC

Message from Madhu

Dear SENCOs,

Welcome to a new school year. I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable summer break. I am looking forward to seeing you at the first SENCO network meeting of the year, where I will be providing a range of updates, including the LA SEF and SENAS re-model. I would also like to use this space to gather your thoughts and ideas about refreshing the SEND expectations document and a pre-ERSA funding model.

Please remember to let Sam ( know if you are a new SENCO or new to Ealing and we will make sure you receive a 1:1 call this half term.

Warm wishes,


Wellbeing and Recovery College

The sessions are open to everyone, aged eighteen and over, living, working or studying in the boroughs of Ealing, Hounslow and Hammersmith & Fulham. All courses are free and thought you may want to share with your teams as lots of topics with a focus on wellbeing and I know staff wellbeing/retention is a priority at this time. I think I certainly need to book the session about getting a better night’s sleep! Wellbeing & Recovery College :: West London NHS Trust. Take a look at the Wellbeing and Recovery College autumn term 2023 brochure

Therapeutic Thinking 3 day tutor training

Simon Lynch, Ealing therapeutic thinking lead and outreach manager would like to encourage Ealing’s schools to sign up for Therapeutic thinking 3 day tutor training from 26-28 September

Contact Ealing

Please distribute Contact Ealing’s autumn timetable of support sessions and workshops for parents and carers of children with SEND. Note the new offer of specific call-in times for speakers of different community languages.

There is a joint workshop with Ealing Mencap on Independent Living options on Friday 29 September 2023, as well as a brand-new SEND Activities Guide, produced jointly with the Ealing Commissioning team.

Autumn term training

There are already over 64 SEN/Inclusion Training sessions listed on ECPDO – Ealing Continuing Professional Development online. Share with staff and sign up! Development Opportunities | Ealing Schools CPD Online (

SENCO network and SENCO induction events

SENCO induction meetings:

Do you have a new/new to Ealing Senco in your school – or are you a new Senco? Join Ealing Senco induction to share the joys and challenges of being new to a role/school and get support specific to your needs, all in person at the EEC:

  • Tuesday 26 September 2023 from 1-3.30pm
  • Tuesday 30 January 2024 from 1-3.30pm
  • Tuesday 16 April 2024 from 1-3.30pm

SENCO network meetings:

Network with colleagues, share best practice and hear about the bigger picture beyond your school.

Primary - alternating in person and on-line through the year

  • Wednesday 27 September 2023 from 2- 4pm
  • Wednesday 22 November 2023 from 2- 4pm
  • Wednesday 31 January 2024 from 2- 4pm
  • Wednesday from 17 April 2024 from 2- 4pm
  • Wednesday from 10 July 2024 from 2- 4pm

Secondary - all in person at the EEC with Celia and Katy

  • Wednesday 18 October 2023 from 9-12:00
  • Thursday 28 February 2024 from 9-12:00
  • Thursday 3 July 2024 from 9-12:00

Secondary SENCO and Inclusion lead joint networks

A forum for SENCOs and Inclusion Leads to discuss and share best practice for inclusion across the borough and to consider the impact of national initiatives such as the Frameworks for NPQSEND and NPQLBC.

  • Wednesday 31 January 2024
  • Wednesday 24 April 2024

Supply TAs to work with pupils with SEND

Ealing preferred supplier, Reed, have 20 supply TAs on their books looking for September work. Contact Maria for more information. Log in to view the SEN TA supply staff list

Activesen, also have SEN specialist staff available and can be contacted on

What are your top tips to prepare agency staff to work with learners, and successfully retain them where needed? Let us know and let’s share strategies.

Whole School SEND

The first 8 units of free, online SEN CPD are available now. Each unit takes about 20 minutes. The first unit is about creating a safe environment – with a free linked live discussion (19th Sept for primary). When you create a log in, you are part of a live online community of SEN staff. Online CPD (

Transition reviews

The transition review meeting video is aimed at Y9 reviews, but the process is relevant for all age groups. Year 9 Transition Review Meeting | Ealing Directory (

Speech and language therapy – all ages

Speech and Language Therapy Awareness month takes place from 18 September - 18 October – A joint initiative with SaLT, Early Start, Children’s Centres and parent representatives. Please share the speech and language September - October awareness brochure and speech and language for 18 month old flyer with colleagues and families, especially for those families that have 18 month olds.

Headteacher and SENCO Q&A drop in Sessions

These Q&A sessions will be for 1 hour each, with the first 30 minutes focusing on SLT provision for 2023-2024 and the second 30 minutes providing the opportunity for questions/queries.

Monday 25 September 9:30-10:30am Click here to join the meeting

  • Meeting ID: 343 396 173 932
  • Passcode: ePv8GP

Tuesday 10 October 3:30-4:30 Click here to join the meeting

  • Meeting ID: 374 592 152 819
  • Passcode: ibfpzN

Speech and language therapy for under 5’s

All of these groups and trainings are open to ANY family with children under 5. – no referral needed. Please share these flyers with parents & practitioners.

Parent & practitioner trainings run by SLT team - Introduction to Makaton signing

Parent training sessions run jointly by ES SEND team and SLT team - 5 different sessions for families with autistic children

Makaton Sign Time group – for children 0-5 to come and learn Makaton with their parents- everyone and anyone is welcome!

Fun and Learn group for children 0-5 with identified social communication/attention and listening needs

Talk and Play group for children 0- 5 with language needs

Drop in/advice sessions to children's centre's stay and play sessions

Insert 8 flyers from the under 5’s team

Developing Early Communication

Insert developing early communication

National professional qualifications (NPQs) for SENCOS

In March 2023 the government stated its intention to make the NASENCO qualification non-statutory and provide a NPQ for SENCos from September 2024. SENCOs who already hold the NASENCO will not have to take an additional qualification. A Framework for the qualification has been published. SENCO framework (

Whole school SEND

The first 8 units of free, online SEN CPD are available now. Each unit takes about 20 minutes. The first unit is about creating a safe environment. Create a log in, to be part of a live online community of SEN staff. Online CPD (

Teacher Handbook SEND

This comprehensive handbook should be on every teacher’s bookshelf. Consider directing staff to read a few pages each week as SEND CPD and to prompt professional dialogue. Subject Leads could also be given the section relevant to them, as part of a process to develop your whole school inclusive approach.

Teacher Handbook SEND proofed version - 20th May 2022 FINAL.pdf (

Zones of regulation training

AC Education offer inexpensive courses (£5.99-£7.99) online on a range of topics. Next course is on Thursday 19 October. Book via Eventbrite.

Top tip

Neurodiversity training for staff – recommended by Laura Corrigan, Clifton Primary.

This is one of the resources shared by Dawn Clegg from Springhallow at the Ealing SENCo Conference.

Introducing Neurodiversity (LEANS resource 1.3) - Media Hopper Create

Did you know?

You can find out what the notional SEN Funding your school has been allocated here by entering your school name and then ticking the ‘notional SEN’ box. This is publicly available information.

Create your own tables, Table Tool – Explore education statistics – GOV.UK

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Last updated: 18 Sep 2023