Services for children

SEN bulletin February 2025

Message from Madhu

I hope you all had a good half term break.

Sam and I look forward to seeing you at the conference next week – its going to be a great day to deepen our knowledge, reflect on practice and build relationships. Please sign up here if you haven’t already done so.

SENCo celebration conference 2025

Taking place Wednesday 5 March, from 9.30am-3.30pm at Trailfinders. Free to SENCO's and SEN leads from ELP schools. Book via Ealing CPD Online: SENCO conference 2025

About the key note speakers

Lydia Thevarasa: Voices of resilience: A young person's journey

Lydia is a member of Ealing’s Youth Social Network, which was set up in 2023 to give a voice to 13 to 23 year-olds in the borough with additional needs and disabilities. YSN run a successful youth conference and meet regularly to discuss a range of topics.

Kerry Murphy: Enhancing student potential: Neurodiversity affirming approaches and practice in mainstream schools

Kerry Murphy is a Consultant at Ealing and an associate lecturer at Goldsmiths University, London teaching on the PGCE. Kerry is currently completing her doctorate on the pathologisation of self-directed play in neurodivergent and disabled children. She has lived experience of neurodivergence identifying as autistic and ADHD.

Esther Mellor: Enhancing student potential: Occupational therapy in education

Esther is an occupational therapist, working with individuals and their families from nursery to young adulthood. She is currently providing universal occupational therapy guidance across primary and secondary schools in Ealing, whilst also maintaining her own varied and complex EHCP caseload across London. Esther has a lived experience of neurodivergence, with a diagnosis of dyspraxia and dyscalculia.

ELP SEND outreach brochure

View the SEND outreach brochure December 2024.pdf

Festival of Learning 3 - 21 March 2025

We are excited to invite you to ELP’s festival of learning, a unique opportunity to visit an Ealing school that's showcasing their innovative practices that contribute to a collaborative learning community. Over 30 sessions in different schools around the borough. Book a sessions here Festival of Learning 2025 | Ealing CPD Online

Coaching training opportunity

Message from Alison Bennett, School Workforce Lead:

We still have a couple of places on this accredited programme in effective coaching, it commences on 20 March 2025, it is a 4 part programme with practical elements and assignments. We have a range of people booked on including Head, Deputies, SBMs and I really think it might be a good course for SENCos or HLTA’s. Sign up here: ILM Level 3 Award in Effective Coaching | Ealing CPD Online

Ealing speech and language therapy

Preparing for Adulthood

Career Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Survey Report describes parent and pupil identified gaps in provision for post-16 advice.

Consultation on children’s centre services

The council is reviewing its Early Help services to provide the best possible support for children, young people and their families.

As part of this work, the council is looking at how children's centres are organised. Have your say on the plans by completing the survey

Network meetings

The majority of Ealing SENCos are now attending a network meeting at least termly. Thank-you for registering in advance, as it helps with booking space, although you are all welcome and we can add you to the register on the day. Our new and new to Ealing SENCos at induction and on the NPQ Senco qualification are setting high aspirations, and professional standards.

Therapeutic thinking

Message from Simon:

There is a range of twilight CPD packages in the Therapeutic Thinking one drive, including on trauma, consequences, emotions, and behaviour curriculum.

I have added a some more material to the Padlet from NSPCC – their work on using analogies to understand the brain is excellent. Ealing Therapeutic Thinking

If you trained before Summer 2024 please do book a place on the Annual Refresher on 24 March.

For those of you wishing to send colleagues on three day training, please book for 29 April –1 May

Sadly we are saying goodbye to Simon this term. For all TT related matters, contact Adam Brazier by email at

Share a resource

  • Claire, from St Vincent's, uses Google calendar to organise SENCO drop in slots with a link on her email, so its quick and easy for others to book a meeting.
  • Emma, from the Centre for ADHD & Autism Support, uses Magic ToDo - GoblinTools to break tasks down and can be useful for children and adults with ADHD.
  • Mundrika Bhanderi, AHT at Mandeville school has signposted these resources for April’s Autism Acceptance month, that include lesson plans for KS1-Secondary and parent packs on transitions, for example World Autism Acceptance Month 2025

If you have a resource, a picture of great practice in action at your school, or a recommendation to share with SENCos in the Bulletin, send a picture or a link to Sam

SEN governors

On 19 March, the Chairs of Governors network is focusing on SEND funding (new funding models), deployment of SEND staff and SEND resources. SENCos may be asked for information before and/or after the meeting.

Upcoming training and networks:

Browse Ealing CPD Online for a full view of professional development in Ealing.

Autism training brochure

Springhallow outreach autism training brochure

SENAS update

Key dates for 2025

15 Feb was the date by which receiving schools must be named for all pupils with EHCPs at phase transfer – ie those who will be going to reception, Y2-Y3, Y6-Y7, or post 16. Many of you will have been receiving consultations for places for children with EHCPs.

Hopefully, you managed to send in requests for assessment last term for any children in this position (usually it’s the N2) who don’t have an EHCP yet, who may require a special school place. Their EHCPs are unlikely to be completed unless you sent them in September 24 or before; however if you do send them, the LA will be aware of them for place planning.

If you still have some to send, please do this as soon as possible.

Invitation to join SENAS Panels

We would welcome representatives from education settings in Ealing to join our panel and be part of the decision-making processes. Representatives should be leading SEND in their provisions and be familiar with statutory processes, such as statutory requests and annual reviews.

Wider representation from schools will ensure continued fairness, accountability and transparency across the LA. Not only will this opportunity allow SEND representatives to influence decision making, it is a great opportunity for CP and networking.

If you would like to join our panels, please contact me by email. We look forward to working with you over the course of the academic year.

Level Descriptors Project

As presented at the Spring Senco network, this is a significant project that will be changing the way top up funding works in schools. Here is a reminder of the aims of the project. Here is the Level descriptor project | Ealing Grid for Learning

What the Local Authority aim to achieve by introducing level descriptors

  • A shared understanding of the range of needs across schools, and the similarities and differences of cohorts of pupils across schools.​
  • Clarify the types of support needed by pupils with different types of needs.​
  • A transparent and fair resource allocation system.
  • Ensure that schools have sufficient resources to meet children and young people’s needs.
  • A clear admissions guidance into specialist provision.
  • Inform future planning of provision for children and young people moving through schools and into adulthood.
  • Significantly reduce the current need for schools to apply for additional funding.
  • Implement processes to support the continuing implementation of the new system.

Signposts for parents

Contact Ealing

We are Contact, the charity for families with disabled children. We understand that life with a disabled child brings unique challenges, and we exist to help families feel valued, supported, confident and informed. Colleagues are asked to share this Contact flyer with parents and carers.

  • Contact Ealing, Southall office, Dormers Wells Children Centre Dormers Wells Lane, Southall UB1 3HX
  • Contact Ealing, Central Ealing office, 28 The Broadway, Ealing Broadway W5 2NP, Tel: 0208 8406870

Facebook page:
Website: Contact: the charity for families with disabled children

Top Tip

Remove public displays of detrimental behaviour (names on the board, pegs etc) and replace with private conversations and intervention. An Ealing school has done this and as a result pupils feel less shame, and fewer incidents in the classroom escalate – from Simon Lynch, Therapeutic Thinking lead.

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Last updated: 26 Feb 2025