Services for children

Contextual safeguarding

Contextual safeguarding is an approach to understanding, and responding to, young people’s experiences of significant harm beyond their families.

It recognises that the different relationships that young people form in their neighbourhoods, schools and online can feature violence and abuse.

Parents and carers have little influence over these contexts, and young people’s experiences of extra-familial abuse can undermine parent-child relationships.

Contextual Safeguarding includes (but is not limited to) :

  • Gang membership / serious youth violence
  • Child sexual exploitation
  • Child criminal exploitation
  • Harmful sexual behaviours
  • Missing from care, home and education
  • Radicalisation
  • Trafficking

ESCB vulnerabilities screening tool should be completed when there are concerns around extra familial harm (harm outside of their families) for a child/young person.

The tool and guidance aim to enable timely and consistent assessment of a child or young person and the risk that they may be exposed to. This should be used by all professionals and volunteers who work with children, in conjunction with the London child protection procedures, where appropriate.

Contextual safeguarding champions network

The contextual safeguarding champions network meets bi-monthly for 1.5 hours.

Network membership provides the opportunity for contextual safeguarding network champions to gain skills and knowledge in safeguarding young people who are at risk of extra familial harm, an insight into the contextual safeguarding needs of Ealing and specialist support through core champions and other network members.

As a champion you are expected to

  • share and model practice with team members who are not network champions.
  • provide regular feedback on their use of any tools/methods/approaches shared through this process.

If you would like to become a contextual safeguarding network champion or would like to learn more about this role, please contact us on:

Contextual safeguarding champions network news

Contextual safeguarding training

Future training sessions will be added to Ealing CPD online

Concerns about a child?

If you have a concern that a young person may be a at risk through a contextual safeguarding issue please discuss your concerns with:

Catherine Imobeke
020 8825 8313

Cat White
020 8825 5362

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Last updated: 01 Dec 2023