Services for children

SEN assessment service (SENAS) updates

Service update from Fabiola Peacock, Head of SEND and AP service, November 2024

Team updates

Over the past year, SENAS has undergone a number of staffing changes. As we continue to recruit, we are dedicated to reducing any disruptions to our service delivery and providing support for children and young people with SEND and their families.

We will introduce our new starters as soon as they have been appointed.

Caseload allocation

In response to feedback from parents, schools and other stakeholders, we are reviewing our current case allocation. We want to provide more consistency in support with EHC coordinators remaining allocated to children and young people with an EHCP until the end of each key stage or change of placement.


The SENAS team alongside Educational Psychology Service (EPS), SENS Team and Children with Disabilities Team (CWD) have relocated to Perceval House. We continue to be part of the Ealing services for children with additional needs (ESCAN) and will continue to work closely with NHS colleagues to support children and young people with SEND.

Improvement work

Descriptor levels We are working in partnership with stakeholders on the descriptor level project for mainstream. This work follows from the descriptor level project already in place for specials schools and additionally resourced provision (ARP). This work aims to provide clarity on the types of support needed by pupils with different types of needs; a transparent and fair resource allocation system, and to ensure that schools have sufficient resources to meet children and young people’s needs.

Annual reviews We have resumed the Annual Reviews Improvement Project to co-produce with parents, young people and settings our guidance and templates for annual reviews.

Guidance to support admissions and transitioning from special schools and ARPs We are working with Ealing parents to co-produce guidance for parents when considering special schools and ARPs. We want this guidance to be accessible and informative so parents can make informed choices when deciding on requesting schools.

EHCP co-production meetings The team are now offering co-production meetings to parents and young people at draft EHCP stage. Over 100 meetings have been held with positive feedback received.

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Last updated: 20 Nov 2024