Services for children

Useful SEND web links

SEND Directory

Special school and alternative provision offer

Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years DfE

Ealing family directories

SEN support: research evidence on effective approaches and examples of current practice in good and outstanding schools and colleges (DfE)

Evidence for impact

Whole school SEND

Young Minds

Teaching and learning

Teaching Assistants

Primary maths interventions

Social Emotional and mental health needs

Measuring and monitoring children and young people’s mental wellbeing: A toolkit for schools and colleges

Education Endowment Foundations evidence summaries:

Girls with Autism: Flying under the radar (NASEN)

Coventry Grid

What works in developing children’s Emotional and Social Competence and Wellbeing?

Anna Freud Centre- free resource for parental engagement

Special and alternative provision offer

Organisations in working with parents, carers and families in Ealing include:

Other sources of advice and examples of effective practice

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Last updated: 30 Aug 2023