Services for children

SEN bulletin November 2022


Don't forget to tell us if your school has a new SENCo. This is so we can include them in induction support from the Lead SENCOs. Send Madhu and email at .

ELP primary and secondary SENCo celebration conference

There has been a change of date for this event. This event will now take place on Wednesday 24 May 2023 at Trailfinders all day event

Ealing speech and language therapy advice line

Have you got a question about how the speech and language therapy service works? Or are you a parent/practitioner of a child not known to the SLT service and would like some advice?

Available Monday to Friday from 1-4pm.

An interpreter can be easily arranged if needed. They are always happy to help!

SEN and inclusion videos

The SEN and inclusion team received funding to make a series of videos for parents of children with additional needs. The aim of the videos is to:

  • Offer reassurance to parents and reduce stigma around SEND
  • Offer clear information and advice to parents on a range of topics relating to SEND assessment, diagnosis and processes
  • To signpost parents to additional support for their child and their family

The videos are currently available in English with captions but will be translated into 5 community languages.

Primary SENCO network

The next network meeting is on Thursday 24 November 1 – 4pm and as requested it will be face to face at the EEC.


  • Welcome
  • Feedback from SENCO survey
  • Feilding ARP lead to talk about their new ARP and Criteria
  • Race equality and Race equity – key headlines related to SEN
  • Structured Learning - making learning accessible for all children
  • SENCO and class teachers working in partnership
  • Working with parents – What Works Well at Ravenor Primary School
  • Managing SEN needs – sharing good practice

SENCo bitesize and teacher twilights

Email Sam at to sign up and receive the links for:

What to include in a part time as a provision plan (reduced timetables)

9 December 2-3

Using the SEN expectations document to consider universal strategies to support SEMH in the classroom

24 November 3:45-4:45

Using the SEN expectations document to consider universal strategies to support communication in the classroom

8 December 3:45-4:45

Whole school SEN/NASEN – webinar identifying need

Free recording of this Webinar to help you ensure you have identified need ahead of the January census. You need to be logged into Whole School SEND to access.

Webinar: Understanding and Identifying Areas of Need | Whole School SEND

SENIF panel

The next panel is Wednesday 14 December. Send your application for funding form in a week before.

SEND and inclusion - early years | Ealing Grid for Learning (

SEN EYFS specialist teachers - Please book your visit asap

The specialist teachers are working in partnership with ELP to carry out ‘EYFS Quality Inclusive Practice Visit’ to Primary schools this term.

This is a half day visit and includes a ‘walk and talk’ of the Early Years environment alongside a reflective discussion about current practices and concerns with your relevant staff (EYFS lead and SENCo), leading to a written visit summary.

The approach is to work with schools and consider provision holistically rather than focus on individual case work regarding specific children. The teachers will work with leaders to reflect on quality first teaching and enabling inclusive environments as well as provide practical strategies to apply the graduated approach to ensure all children can meaningfully participate.

If you wish to arrange a visit please email

This initial work will inform any future needs and facilitate the expansion of the offer, so it is relevant and helpful to our schools.

Secondary SENCo support visit

Don’t forget to book in your SENCo support visit. Contact Katy Reeves to arrange a date.>

Secondary - Joint inclusion leads and SENCo workshop

Date and time: 1 December from 9am to 4pm at the EEC.

This will be a great opportunity for school colleagues to have time to reflect on practice in their own schools, hear from others and share best practice across Ealing secondary schools. The day will focus on:

  1. School review – what are your schools strengths and how do you know
  2. What is your vision for inclusion? How can you ensure the whole school community is aligned?
  3. School improvement planning – What are your key priorities and actions for 2022/23. How can your leadership model support your aims to be met and how will you know.
  4. Key headlines/What you need to know – Green paper/Ofsted
  5. Reflect on the impact of transition – WWW and Lessons Learnt, how can ELP support effective transition moving forward
  6. Interventions for SEMHS students and networking on best internal interventions

Book today via Ealing CPD online:

Attendance guidance and EBSA

For SENCos to develop their understanding of attendance issues:

Designated safeguarding leads lightning briefings

Each week a live safeguarding briefing is broadcast through Microsoft Teams. For those who cannot attend in person this briefing is recorded and can be accessed here. Here is the DSL lightning briefing from 16 November (EGfL log in required).

Coaching Circle

Thank you to those of you who have expressed interest in attending the SENCo coaching circle. The first circle will be held on the 6 December 10-11am.

This circle will provide a safe space for you to share an issue you would like support with and for other SENCos to offer advice. To sign up, contact Madhu Bhachu by 2 December by email

Holidays and Food (HAF)

Referrals for the HAF Winter programme are open.

Top tip

Nursery pupils not yet toilet-trained? Health Visitors can support under 5’s at home and liaise with you.

Visit ERIC for resources and/or consult Early Start to develop independence in your youngest pupils.

Did you know?

The prevalence of ADHD in the UK is 5% for children and 3-4% for adults. 9/10 teachers say they are teaching or have taught someone with ADHD. (Charity

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Last updated: 22 Nov 2022