Services for children

SEN bulletin May 2024


High school transition event EEC 21 June

A reminder from last month’s bulletin that the rooms at the EEC are booked for primary and secondary Sencos to meet and discuss all vulnerable students with identified SEN in Y6. For some high schools the responsibility may be delegated to Y7 Leads.

Primary sencos still have the responsibility to ensure that, for every pupil on the SEN register, secondary sencos are fully informed about their needs, and all records are handed over. Contact your SENCo colleagues if you hope to do this at the transition event.

Educational psychology advice line

3 consultation sessions per day on each of these dates are available, first come, first served. Intended for anonymous discussion of cases that may struggle to get to the top of the priority list to be seen by an EP. Get in touch with Phillippa, senior educational psychologist by email to book a session at

  • 3 June
  • 17 June
  • 1 July
  • 8 July




Do you have young people in your setting who are not yet reading, despite repeated rounds of phonics intervention? Consider an alternative such as Ann Sullivan’s materials, including videos that explain phonics to learners with complex needs and older learners; or the 5 minute box multisensory resources - these fit into the teaching schedule easily and require very little training (watch a short video and read a simple instruction book) to deliver.

Physical and sensory needs

Joint hypermobility syndrome or Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome can cause difficulty at school, and can be invisible or variable, making it hard to assess.

These short videos on each sense could make useful CPD or signposting for parents Sensory minis - Touch (


Log in and explore for free resources such as twilight talks, as well as CPD on demand (paid for content). Try this blog for a quick read on person centred working.

Person-Centred Working - Listening to and working with learners and their families | Whole School SEND

Webinar of the month from Beacon

Revealed: The Differences Between Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD) and Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) (

EBSA – changing guidance

A series of webinars developing more effective guidance around EBSA, led by Barriers to Education (Replacing the EBSA Guidance) Webinar 1 - YouTube

Signposting for families

Whooping cough is increasing. Confirmed cases need to be reported to the UKHSA and vaccination is protective. A booster is available for 3 year olds. See whooping cough briefing points.

Speech and language therapy

Neurodiversity affirming practise

A member of the Speech and Language Therapy team can deliver a whole school training session, or support you to deliver one, on Neurodiversity Affirming Practise. This can help you consider the ways practise is changing, for example teaching self advocacy and communication identity. For more information view the neurodiversity affirming practise presentation

Top Tip

Ideas from Steven Russell, in SecEd March 2024.

Ask yourself each day after work:

  1. At what point today was I patient with a student?
  2. At what point was I present?
  3. At what point was I curious?
  4. At what point was I creative?
  5. At what point was I authentic?

Remember, drip by drip, day by day, we find a way.

Did you Know?

65% of pupils with Down syndrome in the UK are in educated in mainstream schools – 80% at Primary, 37% at secondary.

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Last updated: 20 May 2024