Services for children

Walking and cycling initiatives

Clean air and walking to school (MP4)
We’ve commissioned a special walk to school to clean air media screen clip. You can add a copy to your school screens or share it through assemblies and in class.

Home learning and supporting social distancing for the school journey

TfL STARS home learning resources for London’s children

Useful information from Living Streets on walking to school safely.

Living Streets family walk to school kit

British Cycling have produced online resources to help children Learn to Ride.

Funding for cycle training and storage is not currently available. Schools can build their own storage, using recycled materials. Here are some examples for scooter racks and bicycle racks.

Sustrans fun and educational active travel resources and activity ideas for families.

Transition support year 6 to year 7 - TFL have some new resources on the STARS website, including a fun and informative video for children in Year 6 or those who are about to transition to secondary school. View the video here .

Living Streets transitions (year 6 to 7)

Ealing Council initiatives for the school community to raise awareness and encourage participation in school travel plans.

Go Green for Clean Air Day

Clean Air Day is a national campaign, developed by Global Action Plan, to reduce air pollution, improve air quality and raise awareness of the public health issues associated with poor air quality. We have produced a list of ideas to help schools promote the campaign to families (pdf)

Road safety education

Road Safety is an important aspect of promoting active travel. Being road safety aware is an important life skill that children learn through practise and experience. A wide range of educational resources can be downloaded from the Think! Education resources website.

Pedestrian skills training

Practical road safety training is available for many year three children, to help them to become safe pedestrians. Ealing Council offers this to priority schools, or schools can fund this themselves, to support road safety campaigns and initiatives.

Active Travel Challenge

The Get Moving active travel challenge for schools is organised by Ealing council’s school travel team. It encourages children to walk, scoot or cycle to school, helping them stay healthy, reduce pollution and parking problems around schools, and is a great way of encouraging children to develop road safety skills.

It runs for 10 days in the summer and autumn terms. Schools receive special bookmarks for children to record their active travel and they receive a sticker at the end of the challenge. For more information please contact

Walk to school week - May

Walk to School Week 20 - 24 May 2024 (gatekeeping news item).

Walk to school week takes place every year in May. Living Streets website contains information and resources: lesson plans, posters and assembly plans to kick-start the week in your school.

International Walk to school month - October

International walk to school month takes places every year in October. This is another campaign promoted by Living Streets, where schools in over 40 countries encourage walking for the whole month.

Walk on Wednesdays or Walk Once a Week (WoW)

WoW (Living Streets website) - Information on how your school can start WoW, a simple scheme that enables schools to promote walking to school throughout the entire school year. Schools can purchase resources and badges as a reward when they walk at least once a week for a month.

Walking resources

Cycle training

Many Ealing schools offer cycle training provided by the council – from balance bikes on the playground to bikeability on the road. The courses help children and young people become confident and safe cyclists for the school journey or leisure cycling. Courses are usually available during the school holidays.

For more information:

Cycling workshops

The school travel team have developed two workshops with resources to help develop your cycling community.

Bike maintenance workshop
A member of the team will deliver a workshop to train a member of staff, or volunteer and students to check bikes are safe and carry out minor repairs.

Bike club workshop
They can also deliver a bike club workshop to train a member of staff, or volunteer, to run a club for students offering a range of activities to build confidence, skill and enjoyment of cycling.

To organise a workshop contact:

Other initiatives

Terri the Tiger
Terri is Ealing’s sustainable travel mascot and can be borrowed by any school to support their school travel campaigns and initiatives. He is particularly useful if you are launching a new initiative or want to raise awareness of a campaign.

Junior travel ambassadors and youth travel ambassadors
These are student sustainable travel champions in Ealing schools. They work on projects, campaigns and initiatives to encourage the whole school community to travel actively, safely and sustainably.

Transport for London

TfL provide a range of resources and information to support school travel planning View further information

They also promote the STARS accreditation scheme, that is available to all schools. The STARS website includes a wide range of resources to help schools plan and deliver school travel activities. View Activities here

Theatre in education
Ealing Council offers schools the opportunity to show various road safety and sustainable travel productions to support school travel work, including Safe Drive, Stay Alive a performance for young drivers and Deadly Distraction, an interactive play for years seven and eight.


If you have an queries relating to the above information, please email STA team at

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Last updated: 04 Sep 2024