Services for children

About learning mentors

What is a learning mentor?

Learning mentors (LMs) offer a complementary service in schools to help students overcome the barriers to learning that contribute to underachievement and ultimately, social exclusion. LMs support the Every Child Matters five key outcomes (pdf).

Ealing's learning mentors are employed by secondary and primary schools to work with individual and small groups of students using techniques such as, motivational interviewing, learning games, drama and art. The outcomes are to enable students to participate in mainstream schooling, to reach their full potential and to benefit fully from the skills and time of other professionals.

Who are our learning mentors?

Learning mentors offer a variety of additional skills and knowledge to schools. All learning mentors work with students on a one to one basis to support the learning process. Learning mentors may also take on responsibility for developing new areas of work such as peer mentoring, student council or parent/carer support groups and introduce innovative strategies to support learning.

Ealing has a diverse group of learning mentors drawn from a wide variety of backgrounds and occupations such as youth work, social work, teaching assistant and counselling and this diversity enriches the work.

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Last updated: 29 Sep 2023