Services for children

Pupils on extended, unauthorised leave abroad - Letters in SEN schools

Please ensure you have read the guidance regarding pupils on extended, unauthorised absence abroad carefully before starting this process and sending this letter to the parent/s.

Letter 1 Setting out expectations for keeping pupil on roll

Should be sent to the parent/s once you know child is abroad without authorisation. It is advisable to send all letters regarding this matter via both post and email

Sections in red should be updated by the school as applicable.

Where possible for both parties, contact should be made via video call. If only phone calls are possible, the parent and child/ren should be spoken to by staff.

You should allow parents no more than ten school days to provide sufficient information/evidence, unless there is good cause to do so.

Next steps after sending this letter

  • Complete an Attendance Concern form via Gateway and remember to upload a copy of this letter.
  • Send a copy of this letter to the pupil’s EHCCo
  • If parent responds with information requested, acceptable evidence and agrees to the contact schedule – send Letter 1a.
  • If parent fails to provide information requested/acceptable evidence supporting and an evidenced reasonable return date or fails to keep to the agreed contact schedule - send Letter 2.

Letter 1a - Response to parent providing the evidenced return date requested and agreeing to the contact schedule

This letter is a response if the parent responds with all of the information/evidence requested in Letter One and agrees to the contact schedule.

Sections in red should be updated by the school as applicable. Letters should be sent in black font once updated.

Next steps after sending this letter

  • Maintain contact as scheduled until child returns on agreed, evidenced date
  • If child fails to return by agreed date or family does not keep to the agreed contact schedule send Letter 2
  • If child returns by agreed date follow school’s attendance escalation system to address their absence and consider whether a fixed penalty notice is suitable

Letter 2 - Parent has not provided the evidenced return date requested and agreed to the contact schedule so an emergency annual review is now necessary

The letter on the next page should be sent if the family have not fulfilled the conditions for keeping the pupil on roll, and an emergency annual review is now necessary.

This letter should be sent if parent fails to provide sufficient information/evidence requested in Letter 1 or does not keep to agreed contact schedule.

Sections in red should be updated by the school as applicable. Letters should be sent in black font once updated.

Next steps after sending this letter

  • Inform the pupil’s EHCCo of the emergency annual review and send them a copy of this letter
  • Send a copy of this letter to your Link Attendance Officer, copying in CME (

Letter 2a - Post emergency annual review letter if parent/s attended and have provided a reasonable return date and agreed to a regular contact schedule

The letter on the next page should be sent if the family attended the annual review and agreed to provide a reasonable evidenced return date and to maintain weekly contact until they return.

Sections in red should be updated by the school as applicable.

Letter 2b - Off Roll Warning Letter (post emergency annual review letter if parent failed to attend or did not provide a reasonable, evidenced return date)

The letter on the next page should be sent if the family did not attend the emergency annual review or did not agree to provide a reasonable evidenced return date at the emergency annual review and maintain regular contact until they return or has since failed to adhere to this agreement and the decision has been made to off roll them. This decision should not be made by one person alone, unless they are the Headteacher, and it is still advisable for all relevant staff to agree on the decision. The decision must also be approved by the school’s la link attendance officer or the children missing education officer, as per the Working Together to Improve School Attendance guidance.

This letter should be sent ten at least school days from date of pupil’s last attendance if parent fails to provide sufficient information/evidence requested in Letter 1 and/or does not keep to agreed contact schedule without good reason.

The off-rolling date must be at least ten school days from the date from the date the letter is sent and at least twenty school days from the pupil’s last attendance.

Sections in red should be updated by the school as applicable.

Next steps after sending this letter

  • Send a copy of this letter to the pupil’s EHCCo
  • Send a copy of this letter to your Link Attendance Officer, copying in CME ( They will consult with the CME Officer and let you know whether you have permission to remove the pupil from roll. Do not remove the pupil from roll if you have not received email confirmation.
  • If the pupil returns by date specified in Letter 2b – accept pupil back into school and proceed with school’s attendance escalation system regarding the extended absence.
  • If the pupil fails to return by date specified in Letter 2 – take decision whether to off roll with all necessary parties (attendance lead, named person, DSL, SENCo, Headteacher). If all parties agree to off roll pupil and the decision has been approved by the school’s la link attendance officer or the children missing education officer – send Letter 3.

Letter 3 - Confirmation pupil has been removed from roll

The letter on the following page should be sent if the child has not returned the date specified in letter 2, the school have decided to remove the pupil from roll and have received permission from their link attendance officer or the CME Officer to remove the pupil from roll.

Next steps after sending this letter

  • Send a copy of this letter to your Link Attendance Officer, copying in CME (
  • Send a copy of this letter to the pupil’s EHCCo.

Sections in red should be updated by the school as applicable. Letters should be sent in black font once updated.

  • Children missing education, School attendance service: 8825 5517
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Last updated: 09 Sep 2024