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Services for children
- SEND and inclusion
- ELP SEN support expectations
- ELP SEND and inclusion committee
- ELP SEN and inclusion key dates
- Ealing’s strategy for additional and SEND and inclusion 2023-2027
- Outreach support and ARP schools
- Primary school SEND and inclusion partnership visits
- SEN and inclusion videos
- SEN bulletin
- SEN provision in the future
- SEND and inclusion key documents
- SEND and inclusion resources
- SEND elective home education (EHE) and education other than at school (EOTAS)
- SEND professional portal
- SEND who's who
- SENDline
- Teachers support for austistic pupils
- Child protection and safeguarding
- Allegations against staff and volunteers
- Admissions
- Alternative educational provision
- Attendance
- Building my future (BMF) programme
- Child and adolescent mental health service (CAMHS)
- Child missing out on education (CMOE)
- Child protection advisers
- Children looked after
- Children missing education (CME)
- Children missing education (CME) reasonable enquiry form
- Children missing education (CME) referral flow
- Elective home education (EHE) off-rolling
- In-year applicant - non-coordinated schools only
- Reasonable journey time to and from school
- Reporting September reception class and year 7 non-arrivals
- Statutory leavers and joiners
- When can I remove a pupil from roll?
- Pupils on extended, unauthorised leave abroad guide for SEN schools
- Pupils on extended, unauthorised leave abroad guide for mainstream schools
- Children's services duty contact numbers
- Cultural Education Partnership
- EHCP and key review dates
- Ealing community partners referral hub
- Ealing primary centre outreach service referrals
- Ealing young carers
- Early help assessment and plan (EHAP)
- Early years
- Welfare and safeguarding
- Transition
- Business and early years' funding
- 30 hours childcare programme
- COVID-19 in early years settings
- Ealing start for life / family hubs discovery and consensus phase 2023-24
- Ealing's Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA)
- Early years webinars
- Expansion of early education entitlements and wrap around provision in primary schools 2023-2025
- National wraparound childcare programme
- Educational psychology
- Exclusions
- Holiday activities and food (HAF) programme
- Mental health
- Organisation charts
- SAFE referrals
- Safeguarding and child protection
- Making a referral (ECIRS)
- ECIRS consultation line
- Types of abuse
- Ealing safeguarding and child protection guidance
- Statutory safeguarding guidance
- Safeguarding specific issues
- Safeguarding: inspection, auditing and leadership
- Allegations against staff and volunteers (ASV)
- Safeguarding resources
- Social Workers in Schools (SWIS) programme
- Photography and publicity
- Designated safeguarding leads lightning briefings
- ECIRS and MASH process where timely or satisfactory response not met
- ESCP vulnerabilities screening tool
- School nursing service
- School safe scheme
- School travel
- Speech and language therapy
- Teenage pregnancy
- Therapeutic Thinking
Ealing's Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA) 2023/24
Ealing Council is required by law to ‘report annually to elected council members on how they are meeting their duty to secure sufficient childcare and make this report available and accessible to parents’. We have prepared this report to meet this duty.
Having sufficient childcare means that families can find childcare that meets their child’s learning needs and enables parents to make a real choice about work and training. This applies to all children from birth to age 14, and to children with disabilities. Sufficiency is assessed for different groups, rather than for all children in the local authority.
In this report, we have assessed sufficiency using data about the need for childcare and the amount of childcare available. We use information about childcare sufficiency to plan our work supporting the local childcare economy.
From April 2024 there will be changes in the funded childcare offer as set out in the government’s 2023 budget statement. This CSA will help us support the sector to prepare for these changes in Ealing.
Here is Ealing's Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA) 2023/24