Ealing Learning Partnership

Healthy schools London awards

Healthy School London lightning trainings (pdf)

The awards are for schools to recognise their achievements in supporting the health and wellbeing of their pupils.

The Ealing healthy schools awards programme has four levels:

Healthy schools bronze award

Watch the video about the bronze award. Schools can achieve their bronze award by completing the Healthy Schools London bronze audit tool.

Schools must repeat the process every three years to maintain their healthy schools bronze award.

Healthy schools silver award

Watch the video about the silver award. Schools who have achieved bronze can apply for the Healthy Schools London silver award. which is an action plan on a health area.

The silver award does not expire but the health improvement team recommends completing a new silver every two years.

Schools need to record this information in the in the Silver section of healthy schools London tool. Schools can focus on any health related theme such as RSHE, PSHE, healthy eating, physical activity, oral health and mental health.

Here are some Healthy schools silver templates related to nutrition:

You will need access to your school’s health data and wider-Ealing data to complete your HSL Silver needs analysis. You can find this under Health related data

Healthy schools gold award

Watch the video about the gold award. Schools who have achieved silver award can apply for the Healthy Schools London gold award.

To achieve the gold award schools must show the impact of their activities and demonstrate that these are sustainable. Schools can apply for gold award using the gold section of the healthy schools London tool.

The gold award does not expire but we recommend completing a new gold award every two years.

Healthy schools platinum award

Schools that are a member of our Healthy Schools and Awards package and have achieved the HSL Gold award can apply for the Ealing platinum award. The Platinum requires school to share what they have learned. Complete the healthy schools Ealing platinum tool (word)

Training for healthy school awards

Training sessions for Bronze, silver, gold and platinum award are available at Ealing Education Centre. Schools are advised to attend the training for their chosen awards. See Ealing CPD online for training details.

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Last updated: 22 Nov 2024