School improvement support services for primary and special schools 2025/26

This service is available for Academies, Maintained schools and Other schools and settings


The Ealing Learning Partnership (ELP) is a partnership between Ealing primary, special and secondary schools, together with the council. Led by a board of headteachers and senior LA officers, we promote educational excellence and well-being, for all learners, through collaboration and innovation.

Academic year 2025/26

The partnership is strengthening the way in which schools and the council are working together to achieve the shared aims that no learner or school is left behind.

What have we achieved so far together?

  • Commitment from 90 schools and the council to ELPs core aims and services
  • More than 50 headteachers and school leaders shaping and driving the partnership’s activities through direct leadership roles
  • Over 100 senior staff taking part in collaborative learning clusters and peer review enquiry triads
  • The best ever educational outcomes in 2024 putting pupil achievements amongst the very best in the country particularly at the end of Key Stage 4
  • 95% of schools judged good or outstanding
  • An emerging profile for strong locality-based partnerships that are making a difference, with ELP taking part in a national pilot researching alternative forms of accountability
  • Positive pupil health and wellbeing indicators
  • High levels of progress reported by schools
  • Robust ELP evaluation framework established informing next steps

View progress and evaluation of the ELP

    Additional / buy back services 

    Schools may purchase support for specific functions as a one, two or three day packages in advance or on a pay as you go basis . Schools outside ELP are subject to extra charges.

    Primary schools ELP core entitlement

    School improvement support, delivered as part of the ELP core. Every ELP school will receive school improvement and wider support and challenge in conjunction with the vision and guarantee set out by the ELP board.

    Cluster groups and peer reviews

    All ELP schools are invited to join a cluster. The clusters operate in a climate of trust and respect to support schools to be sustainably good or better. The current peer learning model will undergo further development in the light of learning from the first year. ELP clusters will continue to operate around the principle of ‘high challenge-low threat’. Headteachers will have termly structured opportunities to review their priorities alongside colleagues to support each other in finding solutions and to use their cluster facilitator to work on behalf of their collective interests.

    Special schools

    Special schools are working to develop a Joint Practice Review model. This involves pairs of schools undertaking a review of each other led by a link partner. A day of sharing the collective finding of the reviews supports the sharing of effective practice and the opportunity for thinking and reflecting together on how challenges might be met. Professional development will be commissioned to address shared priorities and to underpin the joint practice development

    Assessment and moderation

    ELP members will have:

    • Access to high quality training for securing judgement in assessment across year groups and subjects
    • Opportunity to train as external moderator/lead moderator
    • Briefing meetings/papers on new developments, standards and expectations
    • Expert support for cluster based moderation exercises in statutory and non-statutory years
    • Exemplification and planning materials for use in school
    • Support for ongoing professional dialogue across schools

    Support for schools at times of need

    In addition to the above, schools experiencing significant challenges will receive support in brokering tailored packages from across the partnership. The Securing Good Programme for schools with significant risks is set out in a separate section and in conjunction with the council’s statutory duties.

    Office hours:


    Planned improvements:

    Ongoing development and improvement in collaboration with Ealing schools and Teaching School Alliances as part of the Ealing Learning Partnership and with national and regional hubs

    Service directors:

    Julie Lewis

    More detailed information:

    Primary schools ELP core entitlement

    School improvement support, delivered as part of the ELP Core, as described in the ELP brochure. Every ELP school will receive school improvement and wider support and challenge in conjunction with the vision and guarantee set out by the ELP Board. (ELP brochure page 6 at )

    In addition to the huge benefits, we are already seeing, from schools working together in facilitated clusters as well as active involvement in commissioned networks and peer learning opportunities, we will continue to broker and signpost expert support for:

    • leadership including headteacher performance management and recruitment
    • governor development
    • curriculum development
    • assessment and moderation
    • SEND and inclusion.

    The central team are working directly with Ealing’s schools including three Teaching Schools, to agree and shape partnership programmes that meet collaborative priorities.

    Bespoke support

    Schools may purchase support on a pay as you go basis for specific functions or as 1, 2 or 3 day packages via the annual Spring term online order form. Academies who are members of ELP can purchase support packages at the same rate as maintained schools. Schools outside ELP are subject to extra charges.


    Ealing Learning Partnership, children and adults’ services.

    Further details:

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    Last updated: 25 Feb 2025