School workforce development support 2025/26
This service is available for Academies, Maintained schools and Other schools and settings
We provide expert consultancy supporting leadership and management at all levels including coaching, teambuilding, finance support for new headteachers, marketing/ social media and income generation.
Our networks provide an opportunity to build knowledge, skills, support wellbeing and facilitate partnership working through collaboration. Login to view brochure:
- Build leadership capacity to achieve professional and organisational objectives
- Improved personal and professional performance
- Increased knowledge and expertise
- Cost effective solutions
- Supporting wellbeing.
Workforce network group benefits for school business managers, site managers and caretakers
Networks provide the opportunity to share best practice and discuss changes and new initiatives. We frequently have guest / expert presentations to support school business activities.
Membership includes
- A dedicated person based within the LA
- Different networks aimed at key staff groups
- Collaboratively working
- Opportunity to sharing best practice and Increase expertise
- Cost effective solutions
- Reduced course rates for specialised accredited and non- accredited training
- Telephone and email support /advice
Workforce development and support packages
We provide a consistent quality assured service to ensure the best possible outcomes to meet challenges and Ofsted requirements. We are an established service provision with a wealth of professional knowledge and experience.
Benefits and outcomes include:
- Build leadership capacity to achieve professional and organisational objectives
- Enhance strategic thinking and direction
- Effective conversations that support communication across your school
- Improved personal and professional performance
- Develop an integrated approach to problem-solving
- Increase clarity of vision and focus
- Enhanced knowledge and expertise
- Supporting wellbeing
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
Julie Lewis
These individual packages support school senior leadership and school staff to achieve strategic and professional objectives and build expertise and are provided to your school at competitive price options :
- Coaching for established headteachers
- Coaching for senior leaders/ middle leaders/ school practitioners
- Headteacher finance working with governing board and school business manager
- Embedding sustainable marketing strategies
- Whole school coaching for leaders
- Marketing your school
Ealing Learning Partnership, children and adults’ services.
- Alison Bennett, School workforce and governance development: 8825 6689/ 07545 412205
- Therese McNulty, School workforce and governance development: 8825 8542