Ealing Learning Partnership (ELP) 2025/26
This service is available for Maintained schools, Other schools and settings and Academies
A partnership between schools and the council to promote educational excellence and wellbeing for all learners through collaboration and innovation.
Here is Ealing Learning Partnership's proposals for 2023 - 2026.
The core entitlement and member benefits are listed in the ELP offer to schools brochure 2023/26:
In brief the partnership offers:
- A direct voice in the design of co-ordinated strategies that bring together leaders from every educational phase and sector to meet the needs of all children and young people
- Centrally co-ordinated, quality assured, professional development opportunities and commissioned school-led programmes for your staff
- Regular communication on the most important issues and full access to our EGfL website with the latest information, guidance and shared resources
- High quality infrastructure and a digital communication platform to facilitate partnership working; reduce isolation of schools and secure access to resources
- Economies of scale on procured services and joint contracts
- Access to recruitment and retention initiatives to attract/mobilise/deploy staff across the partnership
- Subsidised bespoke traded services.
With Ealing schools working together with passion, commitment and shared ambitions we can create the very best outcomes and futures for all children and young people in the borough.
The council’s contribution commitment and school subscription will secure the delivery of the ELP core service set out in the 2023-26 ELP offer to schools brochure. This also enables us to offer schools the additional traded services to meet more bespoke needs and requirements.
These services are offered at discounted prices for ELP members and an indicative summary list is included in the offer to schools brochure 2023/26.
The full details of these services will be offered via the main services for schools online directory and order form, which will be available February 2024 on www.egfl.org.uk/s4s
Core office hours are Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm - service delivery hours are flexible according to need and by agreement.
Ealing Learning Partnership will continue to evolve and grow alongside the commitment of its members and strong leadership from the board and will work across boundaries to the benefit of all schools and young people in Ealing. Log in to view the latest ELP committee action plans. You can select the committee below to view more details:
Read the individual committees action plans (ELP schools only)
Julie Lewis
Ealing services for schools are supported by our general terms. Here are specific terms and conditions for the Ealing Learning Partnership 2023/26:
By subscribing to ELP, schools have committed to a three-year partnership 2023/26. Each year will be invoiced separately as part of the services for schools annual order form and invoice.
- Indicative prices are set out on page 19 of the brochure
- There will be no option to cancel subscription during the three-year period as the partnership infrastructure and activities are planned and resourced on the basis of the total number of schools subscribing.
Ealing Learning Partnership, Ealing Council
- Ealing Learning Partnership (ELP), Business support: elp@ealing.gov.uk020 8825 7803
Web: www.egfl.org.uk/elp