Children looked after (CLA), adopted children and post CLA support 2025/26
This service is available for Academies, Maintained schools and Other schools and settings
We support headteachers and designated teachers who support children looked after, and those who are previously looked after. Our focus is supporting the best possible educational outcomes for these groups.
The Virtual School offers the same support to non-Ealing schools, where Ealing CLA are on roll.
The Virtual School offers cross-agency consultation and liaison as part of the broader service as well as consultancy and training around how to best monitor and support CLA. The personal education plan system is maintained by the Virtual School and training is available to DTs so that they can take better ownership of the PEP process.
This service is closely aligned with the work of the CLA designated teacher in Ealing secondary schools and provides interventions aimed at supporting improvements in pupils’ emotional health and well-being; developing their social and emotional skills and awareness and building on attachment and trauma related inclusive practices used by school staff. The impact of this work is intended to be seen in improved outcomes for CLA.
Complements the pastoral support work and inclusion practices in the school, significantly increasing the school’s capacity to include CLA and post CLA who may experience barriers in school and difficulty in engaging fully because of their trauma past and/or attachment needs. This may be resulting in difficulty accessing learning and /or are at risk of poor attendance, exclusion or under achievement.
Any services in addition to agreed allocation, to be negotiated as required. DT to liaise with allocated Virtual School Education Officer.
- Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
- Negotiable other hours as required.
On-going development of service provision in collaboration with schools. This is especially focused on the development of the PEP and provision of pupil premium plus grant.
Julie Lewis
- The Virtual School provides information and guidance to Designated Teachers for CLA, adopted children and post CLA. This is through meetings with Virtual School Teacher allocated to your school.
- We facilitate interventions outside of school for CLA students to support them to access learning and develop emotional health, resilience and well-being.
- Liaise and co-ordinate work between a child’s carer and or social worker and school to promote best educational outcomes and cross service work.
- Support PEP process and support social care in ensuring records are maintained and accurately reflect provision and that records are accurately maintained by social care and schools in Welfarecall.
- Deliver bespoke training to schools, around PEPs, support for CLA, attachment and needs of and support for vulnerable learners.
Ealing virtual school
- Ealing Virtual School: