Primary careers 2025/26

This service is available for Academies and Maintained schools


Employer engagement at primary level gives all pupils the opportunity to meet positive role-models, challenge stereotypes, raise aspirations and broaden horizons.

We will work with you to review current career-related learning in school and advise and support you on how to fill the gaps, closely aligned with your school priorities.

Academic year 2025/26
  • Access to broader experiences and role models to support raising pupil aspirations
  • Engaging children from an early age with the wealth of careers and education available in the future
  • Early exposure to the different routes into the world of work
  • Opportunities to influence parent expectations about their children’s future options
  • Increasing understanding about the relevance of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) subjects to future careers

‘Children begin to eliminate their least favoured career options between the ages of nine and 13. By those ages, it is argued they will have abandoned the ‘fantasy’ careers associated with the very young and have started to become more aware of potential constraints on their occupational choice’

London Ambitions: Careers Curriculum A Resource Supporting Your Careers Strategy

Additional / buy back services 

Primary careers package costs £950

Summary of other packages available from the school partnership and enrichment team for ELP subscribers:

Office hours:

Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Planned improvements:

The school partnerships and enrichment team has developed a number of buy back packages aimed at supporting schools in areas that we know are a priority such as fundraising, employer engagement and careers and engaging parents.

Service directors:

Julie Lewis

More detailed information:

Employer Engagement at primary level gives all pupils the opportunity to meet positive role-models and have regular conversations that challenge stereotypes, raise aspirations and broaden horizons.

Evidence shows that positive impacts from career-related learning are greater when a consistent and whole school strategy is in place.

Career-related learning in primary schools is not about setting pupils down a specific path, but ensuring they understand that there are many options open to them.

In order to successfully develop a whole school approach, we would work with you to review what is already being done and advise and support you on how to fill in the gaps, closely aligned with your school priorities. Therefore, this would be a bespoke package with a clear focus on embedding and weaving career-related learning through the curriculum.

Some examples of ways we could support your school, depending on your priorities:

  • Planning and delivery of a school employer engagement event in school with a range of local volunteers
  • Signposting to activities and resources to challenge stereotypes about future careers and those which support pupils to develop employability and life skills to help prepare them for the next stage of their education
  • Providing your school with links with employers, a college or a university.
  • Identifying and applying for funding to support raising aspirations themed events in school e.g. STEM event.
  • Working with a local high school and their students to develop and maximise bespoke transition opportunities for KS2 pupils, these could be subject focused, supported by an employer, college or university
  • Running a workshop for parents to raise awareness of the benefits of developing aspiration and employability skills in primary aged pupils
  • Support for staff and governors to link career related learning and cultural capital throughout the curriculum to enhance the experience and opportunities available to children, particularly the most disadvantaged.

Ealing Learning Partnership, School partnerships and enrichment team.

Further details:

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Last updated: 17 Feb 2025