Race equality in education 2025/26
This service is available for Academies and Maintained schools
The Ealing Race Equality Commission published a report in Jan 2022 setting out a series of demands for improvements in relation to a wide range of public areas of life. The race equality in education programme is designed to support schools to achieve the Commission's demands for education.
The support provided by ELP aims to empower school leaders and school staff to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to effectively address race inequality. The principles of ELP’s approach to supporting schools with this agenda are as follows:
- Flexible and responsive; recognising the different starting points of schools
- Facilitating collaboration between schools and also with key partners
- Engaging with parents as equal partners to help shape solutions
- Building on the learning from the No Learner Left Behind Black Caribbean achievement project to inform approach
- Engaging external expertise, where necessary, to ensure Ealing’s programme of support for schools is high quality
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
ELP provides an extensive programme of training, networks, bespoke support and guidance for schools.
Julie Lewis
We will provide support to governing boards and senior leadership teams to enable them to strategically review their current approach to race equality.
Engaging parents and communities
We will seek to support schools to effectively engage with their parent communities around race equality.
Curriculum, progress and inclusion
We will support schools to be able to review and adapt their curriculum and improve the progression and inclusion for Black Caribbean pupils and other pupil groups.
Developing cultures and behaviour
An important first step in leading race equality work in schools is to develop the racial literacy of all staff. ELP will support school leaders to offer this training.
Inclusive recruitment and retention
We will support schools to develop inclusive recruitment and retention policies and approaches.
Lead: Sarah Thompson, School partnerships and enrichment team, Ealing Learning Partnership
- Sarah Thompson, School partnerships and enrichment: sthompson@ealing.gov.uk020 8825 7372
For more information about please contact Sarah Thompson