Pay as you go services for schools
Here are a list of services available on a pay as you go basis. Log in to view price information:
ELP services
- Behaviour and inclusion service
- Continuing professional development (CPD) and training
- Ealing Education Centre (EEC) training and meeting venue
- Ealing Learning Partnership statutory functions
- Ealing music service
- Health improvement
- School governance development
- School improvement support services for high schools
- School improvement support services for primary and special schools
- School partnership and enrichment
- School workforce development support
Finance and data
- Audit and investigation
- Audit and investigation - Schools research and data
- Legal services
- Procurement advice
- School bursarial service
- Schools financial value standards
- HR advice and consultancy
- HRSSC administration
- HRSSC pay as you go services
- HRSSC pensions
- Occupational health
Services for children
- Admission appeals and exclusions
- Communicating during a crisis
- Educational psychology service
- Pyramid club
- Safeguarding training for schools overview
- School attendance service
- Supportive action for families in Ealing (SAFE)
Some services are available to buy on a yearly basis at a discounted price. Orders can be placed in the month of February. For more information visit services for schools below:
- Services for schools, Web communications and business systems:
Last updated: 04 Sep 2024