Ealing Learning Partnership

Useful resources

Documents and websites to support inclusion and achievement.

Audit forms

These audit forms are for school self evaluation of race equality.

They can be downloaded, saved to your own disk space and edited in Microsoft word.

Attitudes and environment (word)

Staffing, recruitment, training and personal development (word)

Inclusive teaching

The website for Achieve, the General Teaching Council’s network for professionals with a responsibility and a commitment to promoting race equality in schools.

Teacher World
Website of the organisation based at Leeds Metropolitan University and funded by the Teacher Training Agency, which focuses on the experiences and perceptions of Asian and black teachers.

Suppliers, bookshops and publishers

Willesden Bookshop
Multicultural collections, including valuable materials imported from the United States.

Letterbox Library
Order children's books celebrating equality and diversity.

Trentam Books
Publishing house website, specialising in race and diversity issues in education.

Citizenship education

Site funded by Comic Relief for primary school pupils in areas where there are few people of African, Asian or Caribbean background.

Citizenship Foundation
Wide range of materials on citizenship.

ACT: Professional Association for Citizenship Teaching
ACT is the professional subject association for those involved in citizenship education. This website offers resources and information to help you deliver excellent citizenship education.

Asylum seekers and refugees

Nailing press myths about refugees (word)
Factual responses to claims made by the British media about asylum-seekers and refugees.

Refugee Council (these links will open in a new website)
A wide range of information and resources on refugees and asylum-seekers.

Refugee Council - training courses
Includes upcoming events.

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Last updated: 04 Jan 2022